L-FIL-LET/05 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Greek and latin paleography, metrical and textual issues, reconstruction of stemma codicum, the concept of archetypus, editio princeps, manuscript tradition, critical apparatus, humanist emendations, contamination.

Detailed Course Content

Rhetoric, stylistical and philological issues with a special reward to textual criticism and editorial tecnique, paleography and basics of papyrology.

Textbook Information

) Methodological foundations and basics of classical scholarship (2 CFU):

  1. Textual-criticism and stemmatic issues about some passages of Greek and Latin authors.

  2. Examination of ancient manuscripts copies and paleographical facsimiles. History of Greek and Latin writing (each approximately 330 pages.

  3. Course notes.

  4. Two works to choose between the following:

- E. Flores, Elementi di critica del testo ed epistemologia, Napoli, Loffredo, l998, pp. 3-80;

- S. Timpanaro, La genesi del metodo del Lachmann, Padova, Liviana, l990 ( = UTET, Torino 2004 ), capp. I; VII;VIII, pp. 3-16, 77-104;

- J. Irigoin, La tradition des textes grecs. Pour une critique historique, Les Belles Lettres, Paris 2003, capp. 2-4, pp.19-65;

- P. Hummel, Histoire de l’histoire de la philologie, Droz, Genève 2000, cap. 3: pp.l0l-l38;

- M. Capasso, Introduzione alla papirologia, Il Mulino, Bologna 2005, capp. VIII, XIII, XIV, pp.113-130, 175-202;

- G. Baldi - A. Moscadi, Filologi e antifilologi, Le Lettere, Firenze 2006, pp. 101-120; 148-158; 178-192.



Literary criticism in Attic Age, ancient rhetoric and literary technique in Atticistic Age. Students must read, translate and explain the critical apparatus; it is also requested a literary-historical commentary and the basics of prose-rhythm.

  1. Aristotle, Poetic 1-10, ed. by C. Gallavotti, Valla Collection, Mondadori, Milano 1982 (approximately 200 pp.).

  2. Dio of Prusa, Euboic (approximately 100 pp.).



    One or two essays to choose between:

- A.M. Milazzo, Dimensione retorica e realtà politica: Dione di Prusa nelle orazioni III, V, VII, VIII, Olms, Hildesheim 2007 (two chapters approximately of 120 pp.).

- L. Pernot, La retorica dei Greci e dei Romani, Palumbo, Palermo 2006, pp.5-120.

- R.A. Kaster, Geschichte der Philologie im Rom, in F. Graf, Einleitung in die lateinische Philologie, Teubner, Stuttgart und Leipzig 1997, pp. 1-17.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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