M-FIL/03 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

To offer some pathways for the analysis of contemporary ethics and its basic principles: what ethics of the 20th century is intended to be, what norms and values are, how to define the good and the evil, what the nature of the individual is, which role emotions play within decision-making processes, how society affects our choices, what relationship between ontology and ethics and tradition and innovation exists, how to interpret subjectivity, objectivity, relativity, pluralism.

Detailed Course Content

Evolutionary Ethics: The Useful and the Good according to evolutionism: egoism, altruism, envy, vanity, hypocrisy.

Neuroethics: The Useful and the Good according to the most recent developments in neurosciences applied to ethics, with particular reference to neurobiology of morals: self-care, care for others, hormones and decision-making processes, trust and cooperation.

Onto-ethics: The Useful and the Good in the light of the dynamics of the social groups: the structure of the world, the I, the other, the social practices.

Textbook Information

P. Rée, L’origine dei sentimenti morali, Il Melangolo 2005, pp. 130.

P. Churchland, Neurobiologia della morale, Raffaello Cortina 2011, pp. 237.

J. Ortega y Gasset, L’uomo e la gente, Armando 2005, pp. 240.

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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