Modelling of steel structures and R.C. strctures. Analysis of statically determined and statically undetermined sructural schemes. Limit state verification of cross-sections and members of steel and R.C. structures.
Development of knowledges for the design of steel structures and reinforced concrete structures.
Limit state verifications. Steel models in elastic and inelastic range of behaviour. Ultimate limit states of steel members: tension, compression, bending moment, bending and axial force, shear, bending and shear, torsion. Serviceability limit states of steel members. Models for steel and concrete of R.C. members. Ultimate limit states of R.C. members: tension, compression, bending moment, bending and axial force, shear, torsion. Serviceability limit state of R.C. members: stresses, cracking control, deflection control.
Design of steel warehouses and reinforced concrete structures for residential buildings.
Design of steel trusses, beams, columns and joints.
Design of reinforced concrete decks, beams, columns and stairs.
Verifica e progetto di aste in acciaio. Aurelio Ghersi, Edoardo M. Marino, Francesca Barbagallo, Dario Flaccovio Editore.
Il cemento armato: Le basi della progettazione strutturale esposte in maniera semplice ma rigorosa. Aurelio Ghersi, Dario Flaccovio Editore.
Verifica e progetto di aste in acciaio. Aurelio Ghersi, Edoardo M. Marino, Francesca Barbagallo, Dario Flaccovio Editore.
Il cemento armato: Le basi della progettazione strutturale esposte in maniera semplice ma rigorosa. Aurelio Ghersi, Dario Flaccovio Editore.