IUS/14 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The objective of the course is to provide students with a range of knowledge and skills which are essential for the understanding and analysis of the EU legal system.

The course thus aims to analyse the evolution of European integration, conceived of as a legal, political, cultural and linguistic building process that impacts on a wide range of citizens’ activities.

In particular, the course aims to the students’ achievement of some specific skills including:

Detailed Course Content

  1. Origins and evolution of European integration
  2. Objectives, values and characteristics of the European Union and of the Treaties on which it is based
  3. The EU fundamental rights protection
  4. The European citizenship
  5. The EU institutional framework
  6. The principles regulating the EU and Member States competences.
  7. The inter-institutional decision-making process
  8. The legal sources and the EU normative system
  9. The EU Court of Justice and litigation system

10. The relations between the EU and Italian domestic law

In-depth examination module:

European citizenship, Multilingualism and EU terminology

Textbook Information

U. VILLANI, Istituzioni di Diritto dell’Unione europea, 4a edizione riveduta e aggiornata, Bari, Cacucci, 2016.

Per il modulo di approfondimento:

E. IORIATTI FERRARI, Interpretazione comparante e multilinguismo europeo, Padova, Cedam, 2013 (eventuali estratti a cura del docente)

Relativamente agli argomenti trattati nel testo e durante il corso, è raccomandata la consultazione del Trattato sull’UE e del Trattato sul Funzionamento dell’UE, nella versione consolidata, nonché della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea, reperibili su Eur-Lex, il sito internet ufficiale della legislazione dell’UE:

oppure in:

C. CURTI GIALDINO(a cura di), Codice breve dell’Unione europea (editio minor), IX ediz.,Napoli, Simone, 2015.

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