GEO/08 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Providing proper knowledge of the reconstruction criteria of the threedimensional geometries of the volcanic bodies as well as the ability to understand and deal with the technical vocabulary.

Detailed Course Content

Origin of magmas, melting models of the peridotitic mantle and relationships with the geodynamics environments; magma rise mechanisms through the lithosphere and the rigid crust; magma differentiation; physical properties of magmas and relationships with chemical and petrological characters. The volcanic products; volcanic gasses; lavas and their rheological behaviour; the morphologies of lava fields; the pyroclastic products, genetic significance and classification criteria. Volcanic edifices, relation with their emitted products; the feeding structures of the volcanic systems. Volcanic eruptions: physical characters and classification; analysis of some particularly important volcanic eruptions. The global distribution of volcanoes. Final correlation among distribution, morphologies of the edifices, eruptive styles and geodynamic environments; the evolution of the Sicilian volcanoes, particularly Mount Etna.

Textbook Information

Cortini e Scandone Introduzione alla Vulcanologia Liguori pp. 212
P.Francis VOLCANOES a planetary perspective Oxford University press pp 443
Haraldur Sigurdsson (ed.) (2000) Encyclopedia of Volcanoes. Academic Press, London, pp. 1417
Roberto Scandone & Lisetta Giacomelli (1998) Vulcanologia. Liguori Editore, Napoli, pp. 642
R.A.F. Cas & J.V. Wright (1988) Volcanic Successions. Unwin Hyman, London, pp. 528
H.U. Schmincke (2004) Volcanism Springer
I vulcani il fuoco della Terra Universale Electa/Gallimard pp.192

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