Students will acquire the main concepts of mathematical analysis and they will be guided to connect them to concepts learned in other disciplines.
The course has the following objectives:
Knowledge and understanding:students will become familiar with theoretical notions of sets. The set
of real numbers and its structure. At this point students will be able to understand the concept of limit
and justify the main properties of limits, for a real variable functions. They will learn to recognize the
main analytical properties of a function and to study a function. Linear Algebra concepts will be
Applying knowledge and understanding:
: students will not only learn the individual concepts but
they will have to think about structural properties. They can also exercise to use their knowledge. This
will be done throughout classroom exercises homework assignment.
Learning skills:
: students will be led to acquire a method that allows them to recognize what are the
necessary prerequisites.
Sets. Introduction. Terminology and symbols. Other symbols. Relations between sets. Boolean
operations. Intersection. Union. Difference. Symmetric difference. Complement. The complement of
Union. Boolean identity. Equivalences. Implications. De Morgan's law. Examples.
Numerical sets. Introduction. Operators. Natural numbers. Axioms of Real Numbers. Set of Natural
Set of integers. Set of rational numbers. The operations on N, Z, Q. Operations on natural numbers.
Operations on fractions. N, Z, Q do not satisfy the axiom of completeness. Representation of numerical
sets. Representation of integers. Representation of fractional numbers. Intervals on the line. Bounded
and unbounded intervals. Maximum and minimum of a numerical set. Upper and lower bounds of a
numerical set. Cartesian product.
Matrices. Determinants and inverse matrices. Transposed of a matrix. Linear transformations. Linear
equations. Distance between two points. Distance between point and line. Systems of a linear
equations. Rouchè-Capelli theorem. Cramer's theorem.
Functions. Graph of a function. Injective, surjective and bijective functions. Functions even, odd,
periodic. Monotone functions. Bounded functions. Maximum and minimum for a function. Extreme
points. Examples of functions. The number of Nepier "e". Inverse of a function. Operations between
Sequences. Monotone sequences. Limit of a sequence. Accumulation point. Infinitesimal sequneces and
infinitely large. Theorems for limits. Subsequence.
Numerical series. Series of not negative terms. Criteria. Leibniz series.
Limits and continuity of functions. Operations on limits. Continuity at the point. Continuity in a set.
Properties of continuous functions Points of discontinuity. Monotone functions. Infinitesimal and infinite.
Order of the infinitesimal and infinite.
Derivative. Geometric interpretation of the derivative. Derivative rules. Derivatives of composite
functions. Examples of derivatives of composite functions. Differential.
Limit functions of indeterminate forms. Hopital's rule - Examples. Asymptotes of increasing and
decreasing. Higher order derivatives. Maxima and minima of a function. Absolute maximum and
minimum of a function. Waiestrass's Theorem. Concavity. Convexity. Taylor's Formula.
Riemann's Integrales . Properties. Integral functions. Indefinite integrals. Methods of indefinite
integration. Applications of the calculation of areas. Improper integrals
1) Cento pagine di algebra lineare.
2) cento pagine di geometria analitica nel piano
3) M. Bramanti, C.D. Pagani, S. Salsa: Matematica - calcolo infinitesimale e algebra lineare, ed. Zanichelli
4) S. Salsa, A. Squellati: Esercizi di Matematica 1, ed. Zanichelli
5) Giovanni emmanuele Analisi Matematica I
Materiale didattico: eventuali dispense saranno inserite sul portale Studium, nella sezione “documenti”