GEO/10 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Skill in choosing and evaluating the use of different geophysical prospections. Skill in acquiring and processing data of seismic prospections. Ability in using techniques aiming to evaluate seismic hazard. Skill in evaluating the local seismic response.

Detailed Course Content

Seismic risk and Hazard; Hazard evaluation: deterministic and probabilistic approaches; Stochastic processes used in the hazard estimate (M-f, Strain release, Return periods); Criteria used to select design earthquake; Seismic microzoning and hazard scenarios; Non-linear behavior of soft soils; Site effects linked to heterogeneities, geometric and topographic irregularities, faults and cavities; Local seismic response evaluation: Modeling, Analytic and Experimental approaches (Nakamura technique, Spectral ratios; Practical section about recording and processing seismic data; Practical section about using EERA and DEEPSOIL softwares;

Features of geophysical methodologies used in urban areas; Invasive and not invasive approaches; Traditional and innovative geophysical methodologies; Cross-hole test, Down-hole test, Cono sismico, Suspension logging test, SASW (spectral analysis surface waves), MASW (multichannel analysis surface waves), Seismic tomography, Refraction microtremor analysis. Practical section about recording and processing MASW and Refraction Microtremor data.

Textbook Information

- G. Lombardo (2009) GEOFISICA DELLE AREE URBANE Aracne Editrice, Roma.
- G. Lanzo, F. Silvestri (1999) RISPOSTA SISMICA LOCALE. Argomenti di Ingegneria Geotecnica 10, Edizioni Hevelius.
- C. Mancuso (1996) MISURE DINAMICHE IN SITO. Argomenti di Ingegneria Geotecnica 4, Edizioni Hevelius.

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