ICAR/12 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

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The Building recovery, a practice that stems from greater consideration for the built heritage, from a general welfare and needs for technological innovation, is a unique process which involves a transformation project, a modification seeks recovery of memory. There is therefore only one field within which the transformation processes have to be activated, that of conservation that involves the full range of actions, from the total storage innovation more thrust and what unifies them is the methodological choice: the theme of 'urban and historical identity. To achieve this end is a process of knowledge necessary to articulate, diagnostic process in all respects, which identifies disease, failure, degradation, causes and agents.

The technology, in this context, the active intervention process through the acquisition of information and manages the flow through the process of knowledge. Technique and technology are the tools for a conscious design of the restoration project; it is governed through the retention rate - change according to the needs of users and is expressed through a series of indications and design scenarios, derived from the cognitive process.

The need to limit the changes requires the restoration project to report the actions to parameters that can not only identify the 'uniqueness' of an underlying asset, but also to ensure the ability to integrate new scenarios to the existing, by controlling the processing / preservation process. In this case, the culture of recovery is expressed by saying that, if on one hand it is necessary to verify the context and the object of the intervention, on the other, especially in Italy, the recovery processes are governed by the possibility of translation of the outcomes cultural, social and economic,

"Inextricably linked to knowledge and the beliefs, knowledge and to hear the whole and very large architectural territory. In fact it, in all its denotations scientific, technical, cultural, architectural and engineering, social, historical, economic, productive feeding with its history and composite and polytechnic education every action of conservation and transformation of our environment and shows it every meaning and representation "[i].

Textbook Information

1 - Augè M. Rovine e macerie. Il senso del tempo, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 2004.

2 - Augè M.Che fine ha fatto il futuro? Eleuthera,

3 -*Castagneto, F. Fiore, V. (a cura di), Recupero, valorizzazione, manutenzione nei centri storici, LetteraVentidue, Siracusa 2013 (pp.50-57)

4 - Castagneto, F. Rigenerare le città del Mediterraneo, LetteraVentidue, Siracusa, 2013 (tutto il testo escluse pp.12-21)

5 - Di Giulio, R. et altri. Paesaggi periferici. Strategie di rigenerazione urbana. Macerata : Quodlibet, 2013 (pp. 77-17; 118-123)

6 - Caterina G. (a cura di), Il recupero degli infissi, UTET, Torino, 1995.

7 - Di Battista V., Ambiente costruito. Un secondo paradigma, Alinea, Firenze, 2006 (pp.67-165, capitoli 3-4-5-6).

8 - Fiore V., La manutenzione dell’immagine urbana, Maggioli, Rimini, 1997 (pp.65-107).

9 - *Gasparoli P., Talamo C., Manutenzione e Recupero. Criteri, metodi e strategie per l’intervento sul costruito, Alinea, Firenze, 2006 [pp.65-71 (cap. 3), pp.75-102 (cap. 4), pp.103-125 (cap. 5), pp.129-135 e 140-150(cap. 6), pp. 153-173 (cap. 7)].

10 - Pinto M.R., Il Riuso Edilizio, UTET, Torino, 2004.

11 - Truppi C., In difesa del paesaggio. Per una politica della bellezza, Electa, Milano, 2011.

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