BIO/06 - 7 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to deepen the knowledge in the field of human reproduction biology applications. The course will provide elements of basic biology of the reproductive process in humans, an in-depth study of the processes of gametogenesis and pre-implant embryonic development, knowledge of the main technologies used for assisted reproduction, and a deepening of the legal and ethical issues related to to in vitro fertilization procedures in humans. From the application point of view, the course aims to deepen the knowledge related to the most recent techniques of reproduction biology, allowing the autonomous exercise, with originality, creativity and methodological rigor, of the diagnostic and research activity in this sector.

Detailed Course Content

Second part: Topography and signs of physio-pathology of the female and male genital apparatus. Assisted fertilization. Generalities and historical notes; organization of assisted reproduction laboratory: equipment and culture media for gametes and embryos; laboratory investigation of the male factor and treatment trials for ART; seed preparation for intrauterine insemination Preparation of seminal fluid for IVF and ICS; preparation of seminal fluid for ICS Preparation of culture media: oocyte retrieval and insemination of oocytes with the FIVET technique; the micromanipulator and insemination of oocytes with the ICS technique; control of oocyte fertilization and morphological evaluation of human embryos before transfer: technique of opening of the zona pellucida and aspiration of embryonic cytoplasmic fragments with the micromanipulator (AHA); the future: stem cells. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and pre-conception diagnosis (PCD) History of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis; pre-implantation genetic diagnosis: principles and objective; fields of application: hereditary genetic and chromosomal diseases; genetic diseases related to sex; techniques used: in vitro fertilization and embryo biopsy; genetic analysis techniques: PCR, FISH and CGH and their diagnostic applications. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis in the world Alternative application of genetic re-implantation diagnosis; DGP and HLA typing; DGP and family predisposition to cancer; DGP and sex selection. Pre-conception diagnosis General characteristics; biopsy of the first and second polar globules; genetic analysis techniques, fields of application and limits; legislation. Cryopreservation in in vitro fertilization General features of cryopreservation of seminal fluid, oocyte and embryo: clinical applications.First part: Reproduction: general features Stages of embryonic development and their meaning Gametogenesis: generalities Spermatogenesis and spermioistogenesis Cycle of the seminiferous epithelium Morphology and ultrastructure of the male gamete of mammals; the process of capacitation Hormonal influence in the maturation of the male gamete; degenerative aspects of the sperm; organization and differentiation of the testis: structure of the interstitial tissue and of the seminiferous tubule. Oogenesis: morphological and structural organization of the female gamete of mammals; folliculogenesis, follicle evolution after ovulation, follicular atresia; hormonal control of oogenesis; egg growth; ovulatory coatings of mammals: structure and function; organization and differentiation of the ovary. Fertilization in mammals: chemotaxis, interaction between the gametes, acrosomal reaction, penetration of the spermatozoon through the ovular envelopes, activation of the egg cell. Segmentation in mammals: general characteristics, compaction, extrusion from the zona pellucida; transport of the embryo during segmentation; plant and decision-making; cellular organization during embryogenesis; morphogens and their mode of action. Gastrulation: morphogenetic movements, formation and evolution of the three embryonic sheets; neurulation in mammals; role of hormones in the sexual differentiation of mammals; embryonic annexes: organization, structure and function; polyembryony in mammals. Embryo induction, molecular activities in the regional specificity of induction. Molecular aspects during the early stages of development. Cell adhesion and cellular communication during morphogenesis. Morphogens. Stamina cells.

Textbook Information

Biotechnology of Human Reproduction Hardcover, 2002 - by Alberto Revelli, Ilan Tur-Kaspa,‎ Jan Gunnar Holte and ‎ Marco Massobrio

L'essenziale di biologia della cellula. Zanichelli. Alberts et al.

La cellula. Un approccio molecolare. Piccin Ed. Cooper-Hausman

Embriologia generale dell'uomo, Edi. Ermes

Embriologia umana, Idelson-Gnocchi

Embriologia umana. Morfogenesi, processi molecolari, aspetti clinici, Piccin-Nuova Libraria

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