BIO/18 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The main training objectives are: 1. The neutralist theory as a basis for the interpretation of genetic variability; 2. The study and analysis of mutations as a measure of variability; 3. Acquisition of the main molecular techniques and appropriate to the genetic biodiversity extent experimental approaches.

Detailed Course Content

Mutations; DNA polymorphisms; measuring heterozigosity; Association analysis: genetic and physical maps. analysis of genetic polymorphisms and its applications. Main databases of biomolecular data (DNA sequence) and bioinformatics methods of consultation. The homeotic genes and hierarchical control of development; genomic imprinting in development. The molecular clock. Classification of loci of interest: loci slow-evolving and fast-evolving. Evolutionary models: bioinformatics applications. Barcoding and its application in the analysis of biodiversity.

Textbook Information

John Maynard Smith, Evolutionary Genetics, Oxford University Press, 2nd edition, ISBN-10: 0198502311

Papers choosed from the scientific literature

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