M-STO/02 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Provide adequate historical knowledge modern age, especially with regard to breaks and discontinuities. Deepen a large modern age theme in relation to the historical debate and diversity and multiplicity of the original sources. Acquire the ability to recognize the complexity of each building historiography.

Detailed Course Content

The goals of the class will be acquired thanks to a didactic path divided in two modules:

1.The first one is focused on the Renaissance and on its role in the making of a universal society. It will look at the disquietudes of an era only apparently harmonic, but actually crossed by political and cultural tensions and difficult relationship with other civilizations.

2. The second one will deepen some watershed moments of early modern history thanks to an iconographic path that will use visual sources as emblems of these crucial moments. That will lead to an explanation of this methodological choice, but also to the understanding of how powerful is the communication through visual arts and how deep is their tie to politics and society.

Textbook Information

Module 1: The other Renaissance (3 CFU).

- G. Ricci, Appello al Turco, Viella, 2011, pp. 184.

- A. Prosperi, Il seme dell’intolleranza. Ebrei, eretici, selvaggi 1492, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2011, pp. 180.


Module 2: The look beyond (3 CFU).

- P. Burke, Testimoni oculari: il significato storico delle immagini, Carocci, 2013, pp. 260.

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