M-FIL/05 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Analysis of some theoretical aspects involved in the diversification of the unique human faculty of language in various linguistic systems.

Detailed Course Content

The issue ‘one language, many languages’ studied in its theoretical, anthropological and cognitive components. Exposition of the universalism/relativism debate.

Textbook Information

- L. Formigari, Introduzione alla filosofia delle lingue, Laterza, 2007, 130 pp.

- C. Marcato, Il plurilinguismo, Laterza, 2012, 170 pp.

- E. Lalumera, Che cos’è il relativismo cognitivo, Carocci, 2013, 100 pp.

- a paper by the teacher (available on Studium)

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