L-LIN/02 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims at giving some theoretical principles of language teaching and practical instruments for the evaluation in order to create a suitable testing.

Detailed Course Content


- theoretical principles of language teaching;

- theories of language acquisition;

- historical development of language teaching;

- the Common European Framework (CEF);

- know the concept of evaluation;

- know different ways to evaluate according to levels;

- know different theories and teaching methods in order to test;


SKILLS: the students are able

- to make connections between theory and its implications for practice;

- to choose and create a testing according to different objectives;

- to use different ways and grids according to different objectives and the method chosen;

- to select levels, to choose the teaching method according to context and the people involved;


COMPETENCES: the students

- apply different ways and grids to create a testing according to context and people involved;

- create and implement a testing in virtual environments.

Textbook Information

- Balboni P. E., 2015, Le sfide di Babele, Torino, Utet.

- Serragiotto G., 2016, La valutazione degli apprendimenti linguistici, Torino, Loescher.

- Serragiotto G., 2015, Dalle microlingue disciplinari al CLIL, Torino, Utet

- Coonan M.C., 2006, «La sfida del CLIL e l’Università» (online).

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