L-ART/05 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide basic knowledge about the history of theater (from Greek plays to present production), with specific references to the methodologies of reading a performance text. The historical analysis will alternate a deeper understanding of particular case studies, related to authors and works of the contemporary Italian scene.

Detailed Course Content

  1. Features of Theatre History

    This module describes the birth and development of the theatre from its origins to nowaday.

  2. Performance: models of analysis

    This part of the course aims to clarify the most appropriate methodologies for 'reading' a performance.

  3. Looking for Pina Bausch

    This part is dedicated to the legacy of the masterpiece Café Müller in the context of contemporary art scene (stage, dance, cinema).

  4. Shakespeare, Our Contemporary: some Italian adaptations

    This part consists of a in-depth analisys of some remediations of Shakespeare’s tragedies in the context of Italian Dramaturgy.

Textbook Information

A Features of Theatre History (3 CFU)


- R. Alonge, F. Perrelli, Storia del teatro e dello spettacolo, Torino, Utet, 2016 (pp. 300).


B Performance: models of analysis (1 CFU)


- A. Ubersfeld, Leggere lo spettacolo, Carocci, Roma, 2008 (cap. I-II-IV-VII, pp.75).

C Looking for Pina Bausch (2 CFU)


- D. Deflorian, A. Tagliarini, Rewind, in D. Deflorian, A. Tagliarini, Trilogia dell’invisibile, Corazzano (Pisa), Titivillus, 2014, pp. 13-44.


- P. Bausch, Café Müller, 1978.

- P. Almodóvar, Hable con Ella, 2002.

- W. Wenders, Pina, 2011.

- R. Zappalà, Oratorio per Eva, 2014.


- R. Palazzi, Deflorian/Tagliarini, l’immedesimazione senza personaggio, in D. Deflorian, A. Tagliarini, Trilogia dell’invisibile, Titivillus, Corazzano (Pisa), 2014, pp. 121-128;

- G. Guccini, Tra luogo «Teatro» e spazio, tra realtà e reale: i ludi metafisici di Deflorian e Tagliarini, in D. Deflorian, A. Tagliarini, Trilogia dell’invisibile, Titivillus, Corazzano (Pisa), 2014, pp. 129-141;

- A. Scarpellini, Rappresentare, malgrado tutto, in D. Deflorian, A. Tagliarini, Trilogia dell’invisibile, Titivillus, Corazzano (Pisa), 2014, pp. 143-151;

- F. Auteri, Pelle di donna. Oratorio per Eva di Roberto Zappalà, in «Arabeschi», a. IV, n. 8, 2016 (on line edition).


D Shakespeare nostro contemporaneo: alcune riscritture novecentesche (3 CFU)


- W. Shakespeare, Amleto, a cura di A. Serpieri, Venezia, Marsilio, 2003;

- G. Testori, Ambleto, in Id., Opere, Milano, Bompiani, 1997, pp. 1141-1228;

- G. Testori, Post-Hamlet, Milano, Rizzoli, 1983;

- G. Testori, Amleto. Una storia per il cinema, Milano, Aragno, 2002.



- S. Rimini, Rovine di Elsinore. GliAmleti di Giovanni Testori, Acireale-Roma, Bonanno, 2007 (pp.110).


N.B. Students of the course in Communication Sciences to attain the six credits required will have to follow the modules A, B, C.

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