M-FIL/02 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims at using notions and abilities gained at BA level, in order to analyze the interaction between philosophy and scientific research. Selected research methods and topics will be examined in details.

Detailed Course Content

The statistical methods for the definition of new variables will be reviewed and analyzed. The contribution provided by a modern concept of ontology to such a difficult definition process will be examined, in a semantic and computational context.

Textbook Information

A Analisi dei dati (3 CFU).


- Ricolfi L., Manuale di Analisi dei Dati, Laterza, 2002, pp. 215.

B Ontologia (3 CFU).


- Lowe J., La Possibilità della Metafisica, Rubbettino, 2009, pp. 377.

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