ING-INF/03 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Develop knowhow on cabled and mobile IP-based telecommunication systems in terms of fundamental concepts and enabling technologies; develop a critical perspective on the current technological trends in the telecommunication networks and systems domains.

Detailed Course Content

Transmission media: wired, optical fibers, wireless

Characterization of information sources, channel capacity, source coding, channel coding

Satellite networks and services


Cellular networks: Mobile services, mobility management, GSM, GPRS, UMTS, LTE

IEEE 802.11 Networks

Technologies for the Internet of Things

Software defined networks

Content delivery networks

Textbook Information

  1. Course materia provided by the teacher.
  2. S. Haykin, “Communication Systems”, 4th Edition, Wiley, 2000.
  3. S. L. Kota, K. Pahalavan, P. Lappanen, “Broadband Satellites Communications for Internet Access”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
  4. O. Bertazioli, L. Favalli, GSM-GPRS, Hoepli O. Bertazioli, L. Favalli, GSM-GPRS, Hoepli Informatica 2002.
  5. P. Semenzato, “easy LTE”, Telecom Italia, 2012.
  6. L. Atzori, A. Iera, G. Morabito, “Internet of Things: a Survey”, Computer Networks, October 2010.
  7. Z. Shelby, C. Bormann, “6LoWPAN: the Wireless Embedded Internet”, Wiley, 2009.
  8. R. Buyya, M. Pathan, A. Vakali, “Content Delivery Networks”, Springer, 2008.

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