L-FIL-LET/11 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to accompany students in a hermeneutical reflection on the concept of modernity/contemporary literature and on the status of literary criticism, as well as its theoretical and historical foundations, caught within a European cultural framework and, by inner necessity, interdisciplinary. 'Test bench' of the course is represented both by direct contact of the students with some basic texts (hermeneutics, fiction, poetry), both from the deepening monographic study, during which is applied a strictly seminar method to the continuous reading a great book of twentieth-century tradition.

Detailed Course Content

A. Methodology (2 CFU)


B. Historical Frame (2 CFU)

The student will acquire a basic knowledge of Italian literary history of the twentieth century. Fundamental, however, will be reading first-hand narrative and poetic texts, which will have a wide choice.


C. Monographic Course (2 CFU)

Cesare Pavese, La casa in collina

Textbook Information

A. Methodology (2 CFU)

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