L-LIN/01 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

A Saussurean approach to theory of language.

A non-puristic approach to theoretical linguistics.

A critical analysis of Italian (and European) grammatical tradition.

A variational approach of diatopic, diastratic and literary language.

Theories about ‘mistake’

The undergraduate has to prepare a personal and critical analysis, in oral and written form, of a grammar and a literary text, in order to pass the exam.

Detailed Course Content

Linguistic Variety

Language as dynamic system in Saussurean theory

The variation in literary language

Linguistic Change

Theories, usages and norms about Subjunctive

Diatopic and diastratic variation in Italian language repertory

Mistake as usage

Textbook Information

a) Linguistic theory (3 CFU)

- F. Saussure Introduzione al Secondo Corso di Linguistica Generale (1908-1909), testo a cura di R. Godel, ed. it. a cura di R. Simone, Roma, Astrolabio-Ubaldini 1970, pgs. 7-101.

- S.C. Sgroi, Dove va il congiuntivo?, Torino, Utet 2013, pgs. 224.

- S.C. Sgroi, Grammatica “clericale” vs Grammatica “laica”, in “Rivista Italiana di Dialettologia. Lingue dialetti società. RID”, n. 39, 2015 (2016) pgs. 171-87.

- S.C. Sgroi, La norma coseriana e la norma dei grammatici. Ovvero l’educazione linguistica secondo Eugenio Coseriu, in Oltre Saussure. L’eredità scientifica di Eugenio Coseriu-Beyond Saussure. Eugenio Coseriu’s scientific legacy, ed. by V. Orioles - R. Bombi, Firenze, Cesati 2015, pgs. 319-53.

b) Linguistic variation (3 CFU)

- S.C. Sgroi, Scrivere per gli Italiani nell’Italia post-unitaria, Firenze, Cesati 2013, chapp. 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, pp. 87-120, 123-76, 221-30, 231-51, 323-66 (= pgs. 170 about).

- S.C. Sgroi, L’Italiano regionale e (regional)popolare in Sicilia, in Lingue e culture in Sicilia, a c. di G. Ruffino, Palermo, Centro di Studi filologici e linguistici siciliani, vol. I, pgs. 140-74.

- M. Mancini, ed., Il cambiamento linguistico, Carocci 2003 (at choice a chap., pgs. 40 about)

- R. Lazzeroni, ed., Linguistica storica, Carocci (at choice a chap., pgs. 40 about)

- I. Adornetti, Il linguaggio: origine ed evoluzione, Carocci 2016, pp. 100.

Texts of consultation:

A) - F. Saussure, Premier Cours de linguistique générale (1907), d’après les cahiers d’Albert Riedlinger. Saussure’s First Course of Lectures on General Linguistics (1907). From the Notebooks of Albert Riedlinger, French text edited by E. Komatsu, English translation by G. Wolf, Oxford, Pergamon Press 1996.

- F. Saussure, Deuxième Cours de linguistique générale (1908-1909), d’après les cahiers d’Albert Riedlinger et Charles Patois. Saussure’s Second Course of Lectures on General Linguistics (1908-09). From the Notebooks of Albert Riedlinger and Charles Patois, French text edited by E. Komatsu, English translation by G. Wolf, Oxford, Pergamon Press 1997.

- F. Saussure, Troisième Cours de linguistique générale (1910-1911), d’après les cahiers d’Emile Constantin. Saussure’s Third Course of Lectures on General Linguistics (1910-1911). From the Notebooks of Emile Constantin, French text edited by E. Komatsu, English translation by R. Harris, Oxford, Pergamon Press 1993.

- F. Saussure, Notes préparatoires pour le Cours de linguistique générale 1910-1911; E. Constantin Linguistique générale Cours de M. le professeur de Saussure 1910-1911, a cura di D. Gambarara e Cl. Mejía Quijano, in Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 58, 2005 [2006], pp. 71-290, pp. 83-289.

- P. Wunderli, ed., F. de Saussure, Cours de linguistique générale, Narr 2013.

- J.E. Joseph, Saussure, Oxford U.P. 2013

- J.E. Joseph, ed., Ferdinand de Saussure: Critical Assessments of Leading Linguists, Routledge 2012, 4 voll.

- Janus 1999-2016, about Glossematics and L. Hjelmslev.

B) - L. Sciascia, Opere, a cura di P. Squillacioti, Milano, Adelphi 2012-2016.

- T. Emmi, La formazione delle parole nel siciliano, Palermo, Centro di studi filologici e linguistici siciliani 2011.

- L. Spitzer, Lettere di prigionieri di guerra italiani, Il Saggiatore 2016

- S.C. Trovato, Italiano regionale, letteratura, traduzione. Pirandello, D’Arrigo, Consolo, Occhiato, Leonforte, Euno Edizioni 2011.

- AA.VV. Word-Formation. An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe, Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, 2015-2016

- F. Fanciullo, Introduzione alla linguistica storica Il Mulino 2007

- S. Luraghi, Introduzione alla linguistica storica, Carocci 2006

- E. Magni, Linguistica storica, Patron 2014

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