L-LIN/04 - 6 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Students have to reach the communication skills corresponding to the C1 level of the Common European Framework using integrated methods, through the use of realia (leaflets, audio, video).

They have to study in depth the different types of text for progressive analysis of specialized language;

Students have to reflect on the main theories of translation, to develop an awareness of the practice of translation with the help of comparative approaches (using paper material, audio, video).

Detailed Course Content

A (3 CFU) - Syntax, sentence analysis. Tutorials receptive and productive skills (written and oral) of different types in order to reach the C1 level.

B (3 CFU) - Microlanguage. Considerations on translation: theories and practices through comparative. Exercises of graded difficulty.

Textbook Information

A Language

- Silvie Poisson-Quinton, Reine Mimran, Michèle Matéo-Le Coadic, Grammaire expliquée du français, (exercices) niveau intermédiaire, CLE International, Paris, 2002.

- C. Dollez, S. Pons, Alter ego 5 (livre+cd audio+ cahier d’activités) Paris, Hachette, 2007.

- A. Hamon, Analyse grammaticale et logique, Paris, Hachette, 1999.

- M. Grevisse, Le petit Grevisse, Bruxelles, De Boeck, 32 édition 2009.


We recommend:

Bilingual dictionary: Boch, ultima edizione, Zanichelli, Bologna.

Monolingue: Le Nouveau Petit Robert, 2010.


We also recommend:

- Pierre Lerat, Les langues spécialisées, Paris, PUF, 1996.

- Annie Le Bris, L’économie et les affaires. Dizionario fraseologico francese-italiano, italiano-francese dei termini dell’economia e del commercio, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2005.

B Translation: Theories and practice

- Jean-René Ladmiral, Sourcier ou cibliste, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 2014.

- Sarah Amrani, Elisabeth Grimaldi, Dalla Lettura… à la traduction, Manuel de traduction et de stylistique comparée de l’italien et du français, CUECM, Catania, 2007.

- AA.VV. Giornali d’Europa, volume3, E DIT, Catania, 2009.

- Dossier with a selection of different text types including comparative examples and exercises of graded difficulty.

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