L-OR/12 - 6 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

- ability to read & vocalize standard Arabic texts;

- knowledge & application of syntactic structures of standard Arabic;

- translation of texts from Arabic to Italian & vice versa.

- knowledge of main theories about Arabic dialects;

- ability to recognize the distinctive features of Eastern and Western Neo-Arabic.

Detailed Course Content

Arabic Language III:

complementary notions about the name and the verb; doubly weak verbs; derived forms of quadriliteral verbs; derived forms of the passive verbs); specific uses of some prepositions; the syntax; the conditional sentences; the numerals: hundreds, thousands, dates; idiomatic sentences in Arabic.


Dialectology: Arabic & Dialects, the diglossia, the middle Arabic & the Triglossia, the origin of Neo-Arabic dialects; the spread of the Arabic.

Main features of Maghribi Neo-Arabic.

Elements of the Arabic language spoken in Egypt.

Textbook Information

- L. Veccia Vaglieri, Grammatica teorico-pratica della lingua araba, vol. 1-2, Istituto per l'Oriente C. A. Nallino, Istituto per l’Oriente, Roma 2011 (II Ed.);

- Luc-Willy Deheuvels (Ed. Italiana a cura di A. Ghersetti), Grammatica araba. Manuale di arabo moderno, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2010, vol. II.

- Olivier Durand, Dialettologia Araba, Carocci editore, Roma, 2009 e rist.

- S. Louis, Kallimni ‘Arabi Bishweesh, The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo 2009.

A selection of Neo-Arabic texts and some scientific articles will be given by the professor during the lessons.

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