During the twentieth century, the Cultural Geography has acquired such importance among the different Geographies, to the point that some scholars identify it with geography. In our course we will try to analyze some aspects of material and intangible culture. The questions we will try to answer are the following: what are the cultural phenomena? Where are they located? How to interpret the signs of the action of man (and therefore its culture) in the area? Cultural diversity. Multiculturalism and interculturalism, ethnic conflicts, the fascinating subject of " variety " with its regional cultural changes, cultural identities, that invite to the knowledge of different places, will be topics of discussion.
Cultural Geography: the origins of Cultural Geography, territory and culture, Geography and religion, power and territory; Mediterranean and Europe: unifying traits of culture and civilization, the man at the center of the world, women and space; Urban Geography: the geographer and the city, the urban population, the urban environment, the shape of the city, the rank of cities, city maps; Geography and cartography: the maps in the Classical era, the Middle Ages "dark age" of cartography, mapping and discovery, topographic and chorographic mapping, cartography and technological innovation, GIS; Geography of the landscape: the concept of landscape, geographical landscape, agricultural landscape protection and landscape planning; Social Geography: homes, geography of poverty, inequality and geography, geography and health; Political Geography, Geography and communication, cultural territories and society; Geography of the Mediterranean: the "cracks" and the regional geopolitical system; Geography of tourism: culture, nature, territoriality, identity, authenticity, art, traditions, rural and cultural routes; Sicilian landscape: the evolution of the territory and the change in the landscape.
- C. GIOVANNINI, S. TORRESANI, Geografie, Mondadori, Milano 2004, pp. 1-197.
- S. CANNIZZARO, G.L. CORINTO, C.M. PORTO, Il Mediterraneo. Dalla frattura regionale al processo d’integrazione, Pàtron, Bologna, 2009 (Only chapters 1, 2), pp. 1-102.
- S. CANNIZZARO, G.L. CORINTO, Paesaggio in Sicilia. Dialogo territoriale ed episodi paesaggistici, Pàtro,, Bologna, 2013, pp. 1-109.
- S. CANNIZZARO, Per una geografia del turismo. Ricerche e casi studio in Italia, Pàtron, Bologna, 2011, pp. 1-227.