The arguments developed in the context of the first module are the following: The analysis of the nature and role of human rights under a philosophical perspective. The aim is to deepen the reflection on the basis of a philosophical justification of the need for such rights. A historical, sociological and philosophical analysis on paradigm of the "foreigner" and on issues related to the idea of integration and inclusion.
The module will focus on the following themes: The philosophical analysis of concepts related to the idea of "conflict" conducted through an interdisciplinary approach. The role of the institutions and the definition of good practices related to political institutional relationship between the protection of human rights and the protection of "vulnerable subjects" (migrants, children, women) in the context of contemporary societies.
1) JEANNE HERSCH, I diritti umani da un punto di vista filosofico, Bruno Mondadori editore, Milano 2008;
2) FABRIZIO SCIACCA (a cura di), Filosofia Politica. Metodi e Categorie, Bonanno Editore, Acireale 2015
3) FABRIZIO SCIACCA (a cura di), Parole del Conflitto (Nel silenzio della politica), Rubbettino Editore, Soveria Mannelli 2013;
4) THOMAS CASADEI (a cura di), Diritti umani e soggetti vulnerabili. Violazioni, trasformazioni, aporie, Giappichelli, Torino 2012.