L-FIL-LET/15 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Acquisition of basic competences in order to describe and interpret the main features of Germanic linguistics and some typical aspects of the ancient Germanic culture

Detailed Course Content

Historical, cultural and linguistic aspects relating to the ancient Germanic peoples (with special consideration of the influence of classical and Christian culture). Introduction to Old Norse language and literature: reading, analysis and translation of a brief passage from Snorri Sturluson’s Edda

Textbook Information

1) Nicoletta Francovich Onesti, Filologia germanica. Lingue e culture dei Germani antichi, Roma 2002 (e successive ristampe)

2) Anthony Faulkes (ed.), A New Introduction to Old Norse. Part II: Reader, London 20074, rist. 2008, pp. ix-xxxiii,

3) Anthony Faulkes (ed.), Snorri Sturluson, Edda. I: Prologue and Gylfaginning, London 20052, pp. xi-xxxiii, 22-23 e glossario,

4) Grammatiche di riferimento: Michael Barnes, A New Introduction to Old Norse. Part I: Grammar, London 20083, (in alternativa: E.V. Gordon, An Introduction to Old Norse, second edition revised by A.R. Taylor, Oxford 1957 oppure Yvonne S. Bonnetain, Breve grammatica dell’islandese antico, trad. it. a cura di Paolo Marelli, Trieste 2001, entrambi consultabili presso la biblioteca della Struttura didattica speciale di lingue e letterature straniere)

5) Dizionario di riferimento: Richard Cleasby, Gudbrand Vigfusson, An Icelandic-English Dictionary, Oxford 1874,

6) Supplementary materials

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