L-OR/21 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

At the end of the year, the student will be able to: read and understand simple texts in modern Chinese language; translate sentences from Italian to Chinese and vice versa; produce short written compositions; hold a conversation in Chinese.

The student will be able to deepen issues related to Chinese culture and language, comparing it with his own culture and expressing judgements.

The student is expected to achieve roughly the 2nd level of proficiency of the HSK, Chinese Language Proficiency Test (汉语水平考试). The lessons are integrated with exercises to be done individually and are aimed to improve reading and comprehension skills, as well as composition and translation skills.

Using the skills acquired through lessons and laboratory activities, the student will be able to express clearly the concepts proper to everyday life and personal sphere.

Detailed Course Content

First approach with Mandarin Chinese until a base level. At the end of the year, the student is expected to be able to master the basic elements of grammar and to read and write approximately 500 characters. At the end of the course, the student will be able to hold a simple conversation on topics related to his person and surrounding environment. He also will be able to read and translate simple texts. The student is expected to achieve roughly the 2nd level of proficiency of the HSK, Chinese Language Proficiency Test (汉语水平考试). The lessons are integrated with exercises to be done individually and are aimed to improve reading and comprehension skills, as well as composition and translation skills.

Using the skills acquired through lessons and laboratory activities, the student will be able to express clearly the concepts proper to everyday life and personal sphere.

Textbook Information



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