M-STO/02 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and critical Reading of the History from the mid-fifteenth Century to the Early Nineteenth Century.

Detailed Course Content

knowledge and understanding:

The Course aims at providing graduate students with a knowledge about the concept, the periodization and major issues of the modern age, with particular reference to the social, political, religious and cultural changes that have marked the history of Europe from the second half of the fifteenth century to the beginning of the nineteenth century. In so doing, graduate students will understand the national and European identity of Italy and, at the same time, will link the events of political history with those of social history.

applying knowledge and understanding:

The Course will allow graduate students to process the acquired knowledge, and the classroom experiences, for the preparation of specific training projects. In particular, by the use of educational insights, students will be able to elaborate historical knowledge in an interdisciplinary way.

making judgement:

The Course, based on a critical assessment of historical and social events, will enable graduate students to transform the acquired skills of a critical rethinking of the course’s contents, into new abilities: a professional competence and the capacity of future independent judgment toward professional, educational and socio-cultural opportunities.

communication skills:

At the end of the course, students will get adequate communication skills in elaborating their learning experience in an interdisciplinary way. This will be useful, in their future, for collaborating with other people, and for comparing elements and features of their cultures with those of the European area and the Eastern world.

learning skills:

The future graduate student will be skilled in dealing --with autonomous professionalism-- with further scientific research in the context of historical disciplines; and in integrating his competences according to the evolution of the scientific framework and to the transformation of social reality.

Textbook Information

Moduli A e B (6 cfu)

R. Ago e V. Vidotto, Storia moderna, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2004, oppure un buon manuale universitario a scelta da concordare con il docente. E’ vivamente consigliato l’uso di un Atlante storico.


Un modulo a scelta tra C e D:

Mod. C (3 cfu)

R. Cancila, Introduzione. Il Mediterraneo assediato, in id. (a cura di), Mediterraneo in armi (secc. XV-XVIII), 2. vol. Associazione Mediterranea, Palermo 2007, pp. 7-66 (on line: )


G. Scaglione, Malta e La Valletta. Città, uomini e territorio tra XVI e XVIII secolo, 2016 (in corso di stampa).


Mod. D (3 cfu)

T. Brook, La mappa della Cina del signor Selden. Il commercio delle spezie, una carta perduta e il Mar Cinese Meridionale, Einaudi, Torino, 2016.

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