SECS-P/01 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide theories and analytical tools for a critical analysis of the issues related to the functioning of market economies. Particular attention will be given to the modern issues of the civil economics and to the international cooperation.

Detailed Course Content

  1. Economics: goals, method and its evolution (BBZ, 2014, cap. 1, sections 1-12).
  2. The market (BBZ, 2014, cap. 2, sections 1-7).
  3. The theory of consumption (BBZ, 2014, cap. 3, sections 3-5).
  4. The theory of production (BBZ, 2014, cap. 4, sections, 1-6).
  5. The perfectly competitive market (BBZ, 2014, cap. 5, sections, 1-7).
  6. Civil firms (BBZ, 2014, cap. 10, sections 1-8).
  7. The social responsibility of firms (BBZ, 2014, cap. 11, sections 1-9).
  8. Happiness, relational goods, civil progress (BBZ, 2014, cap. 12, sections 1-6).
  9. Growth and the environment in the age of globalization (BBZ, 2014, cap. 13, sections 1-13).
  10. Civil economics and civil society (BBZ, 2014, Epilogo).
  11. 11.The international cooperation and the new development paradigm (BdL, 2006, capp. 1-4).

Textbook Information

  1. Becchetti L., Bruni L. e Zamagni S. (2014), Microeconomia. Un testo di economia civile, Bologna, Il Mulino.

2. Bonaglia F. e de Luca V. (2006), La cooperazione internazione allo sviluppo, Bologna, Il Mulino.

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