M-STO/02 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course will explore issues and questions of the history of modern Europe, seen in relation to cultural realities, institutional, political, social and economic challenges of the rest of the world, starting by the in-depth analysis of the concepts of otherness, gender and difference.

Detailed Course Content

The course will explore issues and questions of history of modern Europe, seen in relation to cultural realities, institutional, political, social and economic challenges of the rest of the world, starting by the deepening of the concepts of otherness, gender and difference.The course will be structured in two parts: the first dedicated to the study of the European reality in the modern age, which will be object of some lectures and seminars; the second dedicated to the theme of '"other" organized seminars and study groups that the students should follow the according to a previous timetable.

Textbook Information

For students no attending the course, the program is as follows:

a)for what concerns “Europe in the modern age” P. Viola, L’Europa Moderna. Storia di un’identità, Torino 2004

b)for what concerns the theme of “other” choosing one book between B. Lewis, Arabi nella Storia, Roma-Bari, 1999;

M.E. Wiesner, Le donne nell’Europa moderna, Torino 2003,

T. Todorov, La conquista dell’America. Il problema dell’altro, Einaudi, Torino 1992.

c)In addition the students attending the course must follow one of the study groups, choosing between Islam, Women, and the Amerindians, and must report on one of the books that will be pointed out during the course.

For students non attending the course, the program is as follows:

a)for what concerns “Europe in the modern age” P. Viola, L’Europa Moderna. Storia di un’identità, Torino 2004

b)for what concerns the theme of “other”

B. Lewis, Arabi nella Storia, Roma-Bari, 1999;

M.E. Wiesner, Le donne nell’Europa moderna, Torino 2003,

T. Todorov, La conquista dell’America. Il problema dell’altro, Einaudi, Torino 1992.

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