ING-INF/07 - 12 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course would porovide fundamentals on the design and the synthesis of sensors and measurement systems. Mian topics presented during the course are related to sensor chracterization, sensing methodologies and sensors examples, conditioning electronics, smart multi-sensor systems and signal processing.

Detailed Course Content

·Basics on sensors

·Resistive sensors: potentiometers, Strain Gauges and RTD sensors.

·Conditioning electronics for resistive sensors

·Reactive sensors: capacitive, Inductive, LVDT

·Conditioning electronics for reactive sensors

·Active sensors: Thermocouples, Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric sensors

·Charge amplifier and measurement amplifier

·Absolute sensors (displacement, velocity, acceleration)

·Other sensors (Force, pressure, flux, etc.)

·Digital sensors and ultrasound sensor

·Smart sensor systems and sensor networks

·Basics on technologies for sensors

·Basics on signal processing

Textbook Information

E. Doebelin: Mesurement systems, Mc Graw Hill;

Pallas-Areny J.G. Webster: Sensors and Signal Conditioning

Tutorial on Smart sensor systems and sensor networks

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