L-LIN/08 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to give the student a general overview of Saramago's work and his intellectual route

Detailed Course Content

José Saramago chooses to become a writer in 1975, after the failure of the 25 de Abril revolution. Since that moment he is committed in the reconstructions of national memory (ALVES, 2016). However, during the Nineties, we can see an unanalyzed deep change in his work. The course aims to question this change by referring to the concept of "biopolitic".

Textbook Information

1. José Saramago, O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis

2. José Saramago, Ensaio sobre a cegueira

3. José Gil, Portugal hoje, o medo de existir

4. A collection of texts from Raquel Varela, João Marques Lopes, Laura Bazzicalupo

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