At the end of the course the student should understand the underlying causes and the pathogenetic mechanisms at the basis human diseases, as well as the etiology of the fundamental alteration of the biological structures, functions and control mechanisms. It must also know the basic biological mechanisms of defence and their alterations. The course will address the concept of pathology (or disease) from the molecular level to the upper levels of organization (cell, tissue, organ, apparatus, body).
Knowledge of the basics of microbiology (general microbiology)
Application of this knowledges to clinical cases with special regard to infectious diseases.
Choosing the optimal pathological sample on the basis of the site of the infection and of the suspected diagnosis; evaluation of the best systems for the collection, transportation and storage of pathological samples
Deep knolwledge of prevention, prophylaxis, diagnosis and diagnostic methods, treatments and eventual emergency procedures in infectious diseases.
Introduction to the microbial world: bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses
Overview of the structure, metabolism, reproduction and replication models of microorganisms.
Principles of the treatment of the infections
Routes of infection and host response characteristics; prevention of the infection.
Collection of pathological samples based on the site of infection, characteristics of the treated germs, diagnostic methods available.
Pathology, pathogenesis, diagnostic systems.
Application of the notions transmitted to simulated clinical cases
Elementi di patologia generale per corsi di laurea in professioni sanitarie, Giovanni M. Pontieri – Piccin