7 CFU - 1° semestre

Docente titolare dell'insegnamento


Obiettivi formativi

Conoscenza e comprensione Lo studente che frequenta con assiduità e profitto il corso di Lingua straniera giuridica inglese sarà incoraggiato a riflettere sul diritto nella prospettiva linguistico-culturale che interessa il Regno Unito; attraverso la lettura e il commento di alcuni testi specificatamente selezionati, saprà rilevare la dimensione lessicale, morfosintattica e fraseologica delle fonti legislative (bills, acts, common law, law reports), del sistema delle corti, delle professioni legali (solicitors, barristers), delle responsabilità civili (law of tort) e di altri aspetti del sistema legale britannico (intellectual property, information technology law, enviormental law). Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione Alla fine del corso saprà comprendere un ampio spettro di testi mediamente lunghi e impegnativi in lingua inglese; esprimersi in modo spontaneo in inglese; impiegare la lingua in modo flessibile ed efficace per i diversi ambiti sociali, accademici e professionali, focalizzando in particolare la dimensione giuridica dell’inglese; produrre testi chiari, ben strutturati e dettagliati su argomenti concernenti l’ambito dell’inglese giuridico.

Prerequisiti richiesti


Frequenza lezioni


Contenuti del corso

Il corso mira a sviluppare le abilità degli studenti nell’ambito della grammatica, del lessico e delle funzioni lessicali dell’inglese giuridico e accademico, fornendo agli studenti uno strumento pragmatico per l’investigazione linguistica e per l’analisi dei testi. Alla fine del corso, gli studenti saranno in grado di comprendere un ampio spettro di testi in inglese e di impiegare la lingua in modo flessibile ed efficace nel contesto accademico e professionale, in particolare per quello che concerne i diversi aspetti dell’inglese giuridico.

Testi di riferimento

- David Porter. Check your Vocabulary for Academic English. London, A&C Black, 2007.

- Rawdon Wyatt. Check your English Vocabulary for Law. London, A&C Black, 2006.

- Antonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011.

Altro materiale didattico

Programmazione del corso

 ArgomentiRiferimenti testi
1Question forms (object questions, yes/no questions, subject questions, questions with prepositions). Review of verb tenses (present simple, present continuous, past continuous)Antonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011. 
2Talking about yourself. Family, relationships, collocations with take, get, do, goAntonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011. 
3Present perfect & past simple (time up to now, recent events). Narrative tenses (past simple, past continuous, past perfect)Antonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011. 
4Telling a story. Prepositions, say tell collocations, crime collocations, narrative phrasesAntonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011. 
5The future / plans (be going to, present continuous, will, might). The future / predictions (will, be going to, may and might, could, be likely to)Antonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011. 
6Dealing with misunderstandings. Communication technology, future time markers for speculation, idiomsAntonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011. 
7Must, have to, should (obligation). Used to, wouldAntonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011. 
8Reaching an agreement. Personal qualities, confusing words, strong adjectives, business vocabularyAntonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011. 
9Comparatives and superlatives (structure, ways and use). Question tagsAntonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011. 
10Polite requests. Technology, Q words, word building adjectives, problems and solutions, describe a machineAntonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011. 
11Zero and first conditionals. Second conditionalAntonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011. 
12 Giving news. -ing / -ed adjectives, multiword verbs with on, off, up, down, verb/noun collocations, life events, describing good/bad experiencesAntonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011. 
13Present perfect simple vs Present perfect continuous. Present and past abilityAntonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011. 
14Clarifying opinions. Success: verb phrases, ability, qualifications, describe an achievementAntonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011. 
15Articles and quantifiers. Relative clauses (defining and non-defining relative clauses)Antonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011. 
16Being a good guest. Compound nouns, internet, welcoming, discuss ideasAntonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011. 
17Third conditional. Active vs passive voiceAntonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011. 
18Expressing uncertainty. History, time periods, collocations, describing people, outstanding work, role modelsAntonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011. 
19Reported speech. Verb patternsAntonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011. 
20Giving advice / warnings. Environment, prefixes, reporting verbs, airports, phrases to describe placesAntonia Clare, JJ Wilson. SpeakOut Intermediate. Student’s Book & Workbook. Pearson Longman, 2011. 
21Business law: key adjectives, nouns, verbs and expressionsRawdon Wyatt. Check your English Vocabulary for Law. London, A&C Black, 2006. 
22Consumer rightsRawdon Wyatt. Check your English Vocabulary for Law. London, A&C Black, 2006. 
23ContractsRawdon Wyatt. Check your English Vocabulary for Law. London, A&C Black, 2006. 
24Corporate responsibility: environment, communities, employment, financial and ethical integrityRawdon Wyatt. Check your English Vocabulary for Law. London, A&C Black, 2006. 
25Court orders and injunctions. Court structuresRawdon Wyatt. Check your English Vocabulary for Law. London, A&C Black, 2006. 
26Crime: categories and offences; criminal procedureRawdon Wyatt. Check your English Vocabulary for Law. London, A&C Black, 2006. 
27Dispute resolutionRawdon Wyatt. Check your English Vocabulary for Law. London, A&C Black, 2006. 
28Employment and human resourcesRawdon Wyatt. Check your English Vocabulary for Law. London, A&C Black, 2006. 
29Family: relationships and childrenRawdon Wyatt. Check your English Vocabulary for Law. London, A&C Black, 2006. 
30Human rightsRawdon Wyatt. Check your English Vocabulary for Law. London, A&C Black, 2006. 
31Legal Latin and legal referencingRawdon Wyatt. Check your English Vocabulary for Law. London, A&C Black, 2006. 
32People in the law Rawdon Wyatt. Check your English Vocabulary for Law. London, A&C Black, 2006. 
33Privacy and data protectionRawdon Wyatt. Check your English Vocabulary for Law. London, A&C Black, 2006. 
34PropertyRawdon Wyatt. Check your English Vocabulary for Law. London, A&C Black, 2006. 
35Punishment and penalties. Types of courtRawdon Wyatt. Check your English Vocabulary for Law. London, A&C Black, 2006. 
36WillsRawdon Wyatt. Check your English Vocabulary for Law. London, A&C Black, 2006. 
37Exercises: fill in the gaps, choose the right/best word, finish the sentence, word substitution, make a collocation. David Porter. Check your Vocabulary for Academic English. London, A&C Black, 2007. 

Verifica dell'apprendimento


L’esame finale consisterà in un test a risposta chiusa composto da 16 domande da svolgere in 30 minuti.

Valutazione: risposta esatta = 2 punti, risposta non data = 0,5 punti, risposta sbagliata = -1 punto


Non previste


Non sono previste prove diverse dall'esame finale


* Two people are talking:

Direct speech: “I’m telling you, I don’t understand why you’re always late.” Reported speech: She said she didn’t understand why _______ always late.

a. I was b. he is

* One of the most important skills to learn as a student is how to _______ of your time effectively.

a. make use b. utilize

* A _______ is someone whom the police believe has committed a crime.

a. defendant b. suspect

Apri in formato Pdf English version