IUS/13 - 7 CFU - 2° semestre

Docente titolare dell'insegnamento


Obiettivi formativi

knowledge and comprehension

This course provides students a focused insight into the transanational legal dimensions of today’s world and the opportunity to critically discuss and understand the different methods of making, interpreting and enforcing the law beyond the domestic legal orders. Student attending the Trasnational Law Course on a regular basis are expected to gain advanced knowledge in public/private international law, international organization and comparative legal system getting acquainted with the state of the art scientific database on the topic as well as with a deeper understanding of trasnational legal conflicts and processes in a wider and integrated perspective.

Applying knowledge and understanding

Being capable of first advanced problem solving in laws interpretation and enforcement, writing a paper and delivering a public presentation on a given subject. This enables the attainment of further higher educational levels within the areas of interests of transnational law programs.

Prerequisiti richiesti

Basic knowledge of public and private international law is requested. Basic knowledge of European Law is recommended.

Frequenza lezioni

Highly recommended.

Contenuti del corso

Course Plan |Teaching Units, 21 classes scheduled (4 hours per week)

The course will be composed of five units:

Unit I. Introduction to transnational law | Concepts and Methodological Discussion (4 classes)

Unit II. Understanding the transnational legal process: some basic concepts and history (4 classes)

Unit III. The international legal process and its relationships to national legal systems (4 classes)

Unit IV. Transnational problems within and beyond national legal systems ( 4 classes)

Unit V. Transnational law cases illustrated: selected issues (5 classes)

Testi di riferimento

Course Materials

Our textbook is M. Maduro, K. Tuori and S. Sankari (eds.), Transnational Law. Rethinking European Law ad Legal Thinking, Cambridge, 2014, pp. 1-306.


G. Handl, J. Zekoll, P. Zumbansen (eds.), Beyond Territoriality. Transnational legal Authority in ad Age of Globalization, Nijhoff, Leiden-Boston 2012 [excerpts]. Details will follow.

H. Steiner, D. Vagts, H. Koh, Transnational Legal Problems: Materials and Text, 1994 [excerpts] Details will follow.

M. Gibney, W. Vandenhole (eds.), Litigating Transnational Human Rights Obligations. Alternative Judgments, Routledge, NY 2014 [excerpts]. Details will follow.

Altro materiale didattico

Course Materials will be updated in due course. Please check the on line balckboard course page at Studium

Programmazione del corso

 *ArgomentiRiferimenti testi
1*Unit I. Introduction: Concepts and Methodological Discussions on the idea of “transnational law” (Ph. Jessup) Assigned reading materials on line (Studium): Paper 1 
2*International legal scholarship and the diversification of actors, rules, and authorities in international law.Assigned reading materials on line (Studium): Paper 2 
3*Revisiting the conventional concepts, instruments, and methods of international law? Assigned reading materials on line (Studium): Paper 3 
4*A discussion on “Hegemonic International Law”assigned reading materials on line (Studium): Paper 4 
5*Unit II. Understanding the transnational legal process: some basic concepts and history: Legality 
6* …. LegitimacyM. Maduro, K. Tuori and S. Sankari (eds.), Transnational Law. Rethinking European Law ad Legal Thinking, Cambridge, 2014 
7* …CoordinationM. Maduro, K. Tuori and S. Sankari (eds.), Transnational Law. Rethinking European Law ad Legal Thinking, Cambridge, 2014, 
8*…Legal HybridsM. Maduro, K. Tuori and S. Sankari (eds.), Transnational Law. Rethinking European Law ad Legal Thinking, Cambridge, 2014, 
9*Unit III. The international legal process and its relationships to national legal systemsH. Steiner, D. Vagts, H. Koh, Transnational Legal Problems: Materials and Text, 1994 [Chapter excerpts] available on line (Studium) 
10*International law and European law: a complex relationshipAssigned reading materials on line (Studium): Paper 5 
11* Rethinking the public/private divide Assigned reading materials on line (Studium): Paper 6 
12*Rethinking the public/private divide: paper's discussion  
13*Unit IV. Transnational problems within and beyond national legal systemsH. Steiner, D. Vagts, H. Koh, Transnational Legal Problems: Materials and Text, 1994 [Chapter excerpts] available on line (Studium) 
14*The de-territorialization of the exercise of public authority and of the LawG. Handl, J. Zekoll, P. Zumbansen (eds.), Beyond Territoriality. Transnational legal Authority in ad Age of Globalization, Nijhoff, Leiden-Boston 2012 [Chap. excerpts] available on line (Studium)  
15* The changing role of States and non-State actors in the globalising world economyG. Handl, J. Zekoll, P. Zumbansen (eds.), Beyond Territoriality. Transnational legal Authority in ad Age of Globalization, Nijhoff, Leiden-Boston 2012 [Chap. excerpts] available on line (Studium)  
16*International and supranational organizations 
17*Transnationalization of law and the new challenges of cross-border issues regulation: selected materialsG. Handl, J. Zekoll, P. Zumbansen (eds.), Beyond Territoriality. Transnational legal Authority in ad Age of Globalization, Nijhoff, Leiden-Boston 2012 [Chap. excerpts] available on line (Studium)  
18*Unit V. Transnational law cases illustrated: selected issues M. Gibney, W. Vandenhole (eds.), Litigating Transnational Human Rights Obligations. Alternative Judgments, Routledge, NY 2014 [Chap. excerpts] available on line (Studium)  
19*Transnational economic law: discussion on combating human rights violations by multinational corporations: a case studyM. Gibney, W. Vandenhole (eds.), Litigating Transnational Human Rights Obligations. Alternative Judgments, Routledge, NY 2014 [Chap. excerpts] available on line (Studium)  
20* Global Public Goods (GPGs): selected casesM. Gibney, W. Vandenhole (eds.), Litigating Transnational Human Rights Obligations. Alternative Judgments, Routledge, NY 2014 [Chap. excerpts] available on line (Studium)  
21*Transnational lawyering and transnational justice: selected case studiesM. Gibney, W. Vandenhole (eds.), Litigating Transnational Human Rights Obligations. Alternative Judgments, Routledge, NY 2014 [Chap. excerpts] available on line (Studium)  
22 A Lackland Law? Rethinking territory, effectiveness and jurisdiction in a transnational law perspectiveG. Handl, J. Zekoll, P. Zumbansen (eds.), Beyond Territoriality. Transnational legal Authority in ad Age of Globalization, Nijhoff, Leiden-Boston 2012 [Chap. excerpts] available on line (Studium)  
* Conoscenze minime irrinunciabili per il superamento dell'esame.

N.B. La conoscenza degli argomenti contrassegnati con l'asterisco è condizione necessaria ma non sufficiente per il superamento dell'esame. Rispondere in maniera sufficiente o anche più che sufficiente alle domande su tali argomenti non assicura, pertanto, il superamento dell'esame.

Verifica dell'apprendimento


Written Assignment and oral presentation


No intermediate exams scheduled.


No further final exams are requested, except the individual written assignment.


The written assignment will be about one selected topic or case previously agreed and /or discussed in class.

Backgrounds questions will be around the transnationalization of law and the different ways it affects concepts, intstruments and methods of international law.

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