IUS/16 - 7 CFU - 1° semestre

Docente titolare dell'insegnamento


Obiettivi formativi

Knowledge and comprehension

Students of the module on “International Judicial cooperation in criminal matters “ will gain understanding of the most relevant measures of judicial cooperation in criminal matters, both at international and European level. Students will get familiar with the general principles of judicial cooperation and the most typical features of extradition and mutual legal assistance. They will also develop the ability to critically interpret and analyse laws, conventions and the supranational case-law. This ability will allow students to apply principles and measures that have been the object of the module to practical cases. The achievement of these objectives will be tested by an examination.

Ability to apply knowledge and comprehension

Students of the module on “International Judicial cooperation in criminal matters “ will master principles and measures of judicial cooperation in criminal matters. Students will be able to articulate and examine in a critical way solutions elaborated by scholars and the jurisprudence, and will be able to elaborate personal solutions to the problems dealt with. The objectives of the module will be pursued by frontal lectures and exercises on practical cases. The achievement of these objectives will be tested by a final examination.

Prerequisiti richiesti

Aver superato gli esami di:

- Diritto internazionale

- Diritto dell'Unione Europea.

Frequenza lezioni


Contenuti del corso

A) Traditional international judicial cooperation in criminal matters 1. Principles - Double criminality - Speciality - Reciprocity 2. Instruments - Extradition - Mutual legal assistance B) Judicial cooperation in criminal matters in the EU 1. Substantive criminal law and harmonization - Crimes - Sanctions - Protection of the financial interests of the EU 2. Procedural criminal law and mutual recognition - The European arrest warrant - Orders freezing evidence - The European evidence warrant 3. The principle of ne bis in idem and conflicts of jurisdiction C) The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice after the Treaty of Lisbon - The new institutional framework and the role of the Court of Justice - The Charter of fundamental rights of the EU - The ECHR and the accession of the EU - Minimum rules concerning the definition of criminal offences and sanctions in the areas of particularly serious crime with a cross-border dimension - Minimum rules concerning defence rights and the protection of the victims D) Future developments: - The European Investigation Order - A European Public Prosecutor office.

Testi di riferimento

For the subject-matters sub A):

M. C. Bassiouni, The Indirect Enforcement System and the Modalities of International Cooperation in Penal Matters (Chapter V), in ‘Introduction to International Criminal Law’, Transnational Publishers, 2003, pp. 333-385.

For the subject-matters sub B):

V. Mitsilegas, EU Criminal Law, Hart Publishing, 2009, pp. 5-57, 101-113.

J. R. Spencer, The European Arrest Warrant, in Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 4/2003, pp. 201–217.

R. Belfiore, Movement of evidence in the EU: the present scenario and possible future developments, in European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice (1) 2009, pp. 1-22.

T. Rafaraci, Procedural Safeguards and the Principle of Ne Bis In Idem in the European Union, in Aa. Vv., ‘European Cooperation in Penal Matters: Issues and Perspectives’, M.C. Bassiouni-V. Militello-H. Satzger (eds.), Cedam, 2008, pp. 363-401.

For the subject-matters sub C):

V. Mitsilegas, EU Criminal Law after Lisbon. Rights, Trust and the Transformation of Justice in Europe, Hart Publishing, 2016, pp. 124-184.

For the subject-matters sub D):

R. Belfiore, The European Investigation Order in Criminal Matters: Developments in Evidence-gathering across the EU, in European Criminal Law Review (3) 2015, pp. 312-324.

V. Mitsilegas, EU Criminal Law after Lisbon. Rights, Trust and the Transformation of Justice in Europe, Hart Publishing, 2016, pp. 103-123.

Altro materiale didattico


Programmazione del corso

 *ArgomentiRiferimenti testi
1*Introduction to international judicial cooperation in criminal matters – An overview 
2*General principles and modalities of judicial cooperation in criminal matters at international level 
3*Judicial cooperation in criminal matters at EU level – The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice 
4 The area of Freedom, Security and Justice after the Treaty of Lisbon – Legal sources and institutions 
5*Traditional extradition procedure 
6*The principle of mutual recognition of judicial decisions in criminal matters 
7*The European Arrest Warrant – The new surrender procedures 
8*The European Arrest Warrant – The abolition of double criminality and the speciality principle 
9 Case-law of the European Court of Justice on the application of the EAW 
10*Mutual legal assistance at international level – The Council of Europe Convention of 1959 
11*Mutual legal assistance at European level – The EU Convention of 2000 
12 The European Evidence Warrant – Scope of the measure and procedures 
13*The European Investigation Order 
14 Movement of evidence across the EU and the question of admissibility 
15 The principle of ne bis in idem at international level 
16*Conflicts of jurisdiction across the EU 
17*The principle of ne bis in idem at European level – The Schengen Agreement 
18*Case-law of the European Court of Justice on the application of ne bis in idem 
* Conoscenze minime irrinunciabili per il superamento dell'esame.

N.B. La conoscenza degli argomenti contrassegnati con l'asterisco è condizione necessaria ma non sufficiente per il superamento dell'esame. Rispondere in maniera sufficiente o anche più che sufficiente alle domande su tali argomenti non assicura, pertanto, il superamento dell'esame.

Verifica dell'apprendimento


Prova orale.




Non sono previste prove diverse dall'esame finale


Esempi di domande:

- L'estradizione

- Il principio di specialità

- Il principio del mutuo riconoscimento

- Il mandato d'arresto europeo

- Le rogatorie

- La convenzione di assistenza giudiziaria del 2000

- L'ordine europeo di indagine penale

- Il ne bis in idem

- I conflitti di giurisdizione

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