SECS-P/02 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

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Detailed Course Content

Essential historical facts of the European integration process. Institutions and decision making: voting systems.

The European integration: a microeconomic approach. The economic theory of the preferential liberalization agreements. Market size and scale effects (the BE-COMP model). Growth effects and factor market integration. Economic integration, labour markets and migration.

Eu Micro Policies. The common agricultural policy. Location effects, economic geography and regional policy. Eu competition and state aid policy. Eu trade policy (the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership,TTIP).

The European integration: a macroeconomic approach. Essential facts of monetary integration. Optimum currency areas. The monetary policy of the European Monetary Union. Fiscal policies and the Stability Pact. The financial markets and the Banking Union.

The Eurozone in crisis.

Textbook Information

1. Baldwin R. & C. Wyplosz, 2015, The Economics of European Integration, fifth edition, McGraw-Hill Education, Maidenhead, UK.

2. De Grauwe P. 2013, Economia dell’Unione Monetaria, ninth edition, il Mulino, Bo.

3. Teaching material based on the slides of the textbook Baldwin R. & C. Wyplosz, 2015, The Economics of European Integration, fifth edition, McGraw-Hill Education, Maidenhead, UK, available on the platform STUDIUM.

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