The course develops skills in the field of Clinical Pathology and aims to teach the student to apply, evaluate and interpret laboratory tests used in the study of the major diseases of the blood, coagulation and fibrinolytic system, alterations in hepatic and renal function and in the autoimmune disorders, in the diabete and in the liver and kidney disorders.
Learning of principal scientific fundaments in a modern Laboratory of Clinical Microbiology useful to prepare Students for future knowledge of all methods to reach an exact clinical diagnosis.
Knowledge of microbiological diagnosis for bacteria, fungi, parasites and virus
Knowledge of the tests used in microbiological diagnosis
Knowledge of biological samples suitable for microbiological diagnosis
Modalities for collection of clinical samples, transport and storage of pathological matherials used for diagnostic purposes
Interpretation of the results of microbiological tests
Laboratory analysis: definition, typology Collection and conservation of biological samples. Preanalytical, analytical and biological variability complete blood count test, plasma proteins and electrophoresis hemostasis tests, blood groups and compatibility testing, kidney function and urine tests liver function and hepatitis tests diabetes: diagnosis and therapy monitoring, autoimmune diseases, tumoral markers and myocardial infarction tests.
The micro-organisms which cause infection and infectious diseases: concept of pathogenicity and virulence
Human microbial flora
Infectious diseases and host-related infections
Trasmission of infectious diseases abnd modality of transmission
Host predisponing condition for infections
Elements of Microbiological Diagnosis: direct and indirect tests
Microbial isolation in Laboratory practice.
Choosing of the most suitable samples for diagnosis
Principles, aims and interpretation of the Antibiogramma
Elements of virological diagnostic methods: direct and indirect tests.
Viral isolation, selection of most suitable samples and methods to preserve and keep them
Eye infections and diagnostic methods
Infections of the CNS and diagnostic methods
Upper respiratory tract infections and diagnostic methods
Lower respiratory tract infections and diagnostic methods
Cardiovascular infection, sepsis, bacteremia, and diagnostic methods
Gastrointestinal tract infections and toxic food infections: diagnostic methods
Liver infections and diagnostic methods
Urinary tract infections and diagnostic methods
Sexually transmitted infections and diagnostic methods
Female gynaecological infections and diagnostic methods
Infections in pregnancy: diagnosis of TORCH agents
Sexually transmitted infections and laboratory diagnosis methods
Skin, soft tissue infections and laboratory diagnosis methods
Microbiological control of hospital infections
Immunocompromised host infections
1. Federici G. Medicina di Laboratorio. Mc Graw-Hill Companies
2. Laposata M. Medicina di Laboratorio. Piccin
3. Sacchetti L., Cavalcanti P. et. al. Medicina di laboratorio e diagnostica genetica. Sorbona
4. Antonozzi I. Medicina di Laboratorio. Piccin. Sacchetti L., Cavalcanti P. et. al. Medicina di laboratorio e diagnostica genetica. Sorbona