SECS-S/03 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Detailed Course Content

MODULE I - Elements of statistical inference for the business dynamics or business management - 3 CFU

Program description:

This module provides for the dissemination of inferential techniques and simulation of case studies of sampling methods, construction of statistical reports, Interval estimates and tests of hypothesis.

  1. Sampling methods*
  2. Confidence Intervals*
  3. Hypothesis testing*
  4. Tests based on two samples and one-way ANOVA*
  5. Chi-square test and test of independence


MODULE II - Forecast sales and market demand - Selection of investment project - Introduction to Statistical Quality Control - 3 CFU

Program description:

This module will be developed prediction techniques through simple linear regression models and multiple models (simple linear regression, quadratic, multiple logistic dummy) for business simulations; Introduction to methods for the statistical quality control of a production process; Method of investment selection project.

  1. Statistical methods of forecasting; *
  2. Regression method; *
  3. Exponential smoothing and the method of Box and Jenkins
  4. Choosing an investment project
  5. Theory and methods for the analysis and management of the quality of a production process*


MODULE III - Methods and applications to the measurement and estimation of the quality of a production process and control of the balance sheet - 3 credits

Program description:

This module will develop the techniques of statistical evaluation of the quality of a production process and the quality of balance sheet data.

  1. Sampling techniques in controlling the quality of balance sheet data

The estimators in statistical quality control data on a corporate balance sheet*

Textbook Information

1. Brasini-Freo- F.Tassinari-G.Tassinari, “Statistica Aziendale E Analisi Di Mercato" ed. Il Mulino

2. Frosini-Montinaro – Nicolini (1999) Il campionamento da popolazioni finite ed. UTET Universitaria : par.1.1-1.2- 1.2.1- 1.3 – 3.1 – 3.2 – 3.2.1- 3.2.2- 3.2.3- 3.3- 3.3.1 – 3.3.2 – 3.3.3- 3.3.4- 3.3.5

3. David M. Levine, Timothy C. Krehbiel, Mark L. Berenson (2011) Statistica II ed. edizione Apogeo

4. Skonieczny G. Torrisi B. (2010) “Metodi ed analisi statistiche nella revisione dei bilanci” ed. McGraw – Hill, Italia Print on demand


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