The course deals with the governance aspects of the Public Admnistration from both the strategic and the organizational points of view, with regard to the concrete administrative dynamics. Starting with some topics related to the collection of data procedures, we will focus on the aspects concerning the construction of the information system and their specific implementation. Furthermore, a particular emphasis will be put on those issues concerning the internal controls and the complex system of reporting the results of the Management, by looking at the most innovative reality, which is linked to different models of balance sheet, such as the social balance sheet, the environmental balance sheet, the gender budgeting and the mandate report. The course will deal also with particular and exemplifying realities, such as the healthcare and the governmental management systems.
Description of the programme: the planning and strategic management of the Public Administration; evolutionary features and procedures of the strategic planning. Evolutionary perspective and organizational dynamics in the P.A. Particularly, the course focuses on the relationship between the organizational structures and the governance choices, in view of the construction of the fundamental architecture of the information and monitoring systems. The collection of data processes, aimed to the monitoring and management of the Public Administration. The architecture of the information system and the technical choices concerning the definition of the operating dynamic model. Connection between the different sources of data and the various information systems, in relation to their purpose. The system of controls in the P.A; the internal control considered as a paradigmatic element of the evolution of the P.A.; the dynamics of the documentary supports in the management of the P.A.; the cycle planning-scheduling-reporting; the innovation affecting the reporting models: the social and the environmental balance sheets, the gender budgeting and the mandate report.
1° Hinna L., Meneguzzo M., Mussari R., Decastri M. - “Economia delle Aziende Pubbliche” - Mc Graw-Hill, Milano 2006
2° Meneguzzo M., Cepiku D., Di Filippo E. Corvo L. Bonomi Savignon A. Managerialità innovazione e governance nella pubblica amministrazione , Archidata Milano ISBN: 978 88 907846 0 6