ECOLOGY - channel 1

BIO/07 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The main aim of the Ecology course is the knowledge of the biosphere as a single large ecosystem in which different species, including humans, interact each other and with the environment.

This involves the understanding of ecological systems as functional units and in particular the flow of energy and cycle of matter as well as the numerical fluctuations of populations and interspecific interactions.

Detailed Course Content

Origin and evolution of ecology. Ecosystem and its properties. Relationships between organisms and their environment. Physical and chemical resources. Ecological niche. Population ecology. Autoecology, behavioural ecology and sociobiology. Community ecology. Relationships among organisms. Ecosystem changes over time. Biomes.

Textbook Information

1) T.M. Smith & R.L. Smith - Elementi di ecologia. Pearson

2) G. Chelazzi, A. Provini & G. Santini - Ecologia. Dagli organismi agli ecosistemi. CEA Ed.

3) J. L. Chapman & M.J. Reiss – Ecologia. Principi e applicazioni. Zanichelli Ed.

4) L. Bullini, S. Pignatti & A. Virzo De Santo – Ecologia generale. UTET

5) M. Begon, J. L. Harper & C. R. Townsend - Ecologia: individui, popolazioni, comunità. Zanichelli

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