Providing students with a knowledge of the main authors and works in Italian Literature from the thirteenth century to the end of the nineteenth century, and learning a method to interpret poetry, prose and drama.
A – Dante’s Comedy (4 CFU).
Critical reading of the following cantos:
Inferno: I, II, XXVIII.
Purgatorio: I, XI, XII, XXVIII, XXX.
B – Authors and texts of Italian Literature (3 CFU)
The following authors will be dealt with: Guinizzelli, Petrarca, Boccaccio, Boiardo, Ariosto, Machiavelli, Tasso, Marino, Goldoni, Parini, Alfieri, Foscolo, Manzoni, Leopardi, Carducci, Verga. Special attention will be dedicated to these author’s works. Students are expected to analyze metre and style and to give opinions on the main themes.
During the interview, students have to present a list of readings, as indicated:
Guinizzelli, Rime, two poems of their own choice.
Petrarca, Canzoniere, five poems of their own choice.
Boccaccio, Decameron, five novellas of their own choice.
Boiardo, Orlando inamorato, two passages of their own choice.
Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, Proemio (I, 1-4) and two passages of their own choice.
Machiavelli, Il Principe, two passages of their own choice.
Tasso, Gerusalemme Liberata, Proemio (I, 1-5) and two passages of their own choice.
Marino, two passages of their own choice.
Goldoni, La Locandiera, two passages of their own choice.
Parini, Il Giorno, two passages of their own choice.
Alfieri, Saul, two passages of their own choice.
Foscolo, Dei Sepolcri, two passages of their own choice.
Manzoni, Inni sacri (two poems of their own choice); Il Cinque maggio.
Leopardi, Canti, five poems of their own choice.
Carducci, two poems of their own choice.
Verga, Mastro-don Gesualdo, two passages of their own choice.
C – Antonio Fogazzaro, with special reference to Piccolo mondo antico (2 CFU).
1) Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy. One of the following commentaries is suggested:
N. Sapegno, Florence, La Nuova Italia;
U. Bosco-G. Reggio, Florence, Le Monnier;
E. Pasquini-A. Quaglio, Milan, Garzanti;
A. M. Chiavacci Leonardi, Bologna, Zanichelli.
2) S. Cristaldi, Verso l’Empireo. Stazioni lungo la verticale dantesca, Acireale, Bonanno, pp. 291.
3) One of the following books is suggested:
G. Tellini, Letteratura italiana. Un metodo di studio, Firenze, Le Monnier ;
A. Casadei-M. Santagata, Manuale di letteratura italiana medievale e moderna, Rome-Bari, Laterza.
4) One of the following book is suggested:
C. Segre-C. Martignoni, Leggere il mondo, Milan, Bruno Mondadori.
G. Baldi, S. Giusso et alii, Dal testo alla storia, dalla storia al testo, Torino, Paravia.
5) S. Cristaldi, Soluzioni del conflitto. Saggio su «Piccolo mondo antico», Catania, Cuecm, pp. 194.