The course aims to provide the national regulatory framework and regional disciplines related to "government land" in the various components: the different plans (general plans, executive plans, sector plans), the building components of property, the authorization regimes and sanctions.
Legal System and Administration: Principles of the action and of the Administratve Organization.
The Administrative Procedure.
The Administrative Act.
Contracts of Public Administration.
City Planning and Constitution: functions and rules.
The Government of the territory. Urban Planning.
Planning Instruments (Urban Plans; Municipal Planning; Implementing Urban Planning).
Controls on Construction Activity. Certificates of Permission.
The Repression of Unauthorized Construction Tools.
The Building Pardon.
The General Environmental Value Institutions.
Earthquake Safety.
The Expropriation Proceedings
The Procedures to Public Evidence.
Works, and Public Procurement.
Programming, Planning, Custody and Execution in Public Construction.
E. Casetta- F. Fracchia, Compendio di Diritto Amministrativo, Milano, Giuffrè, u.e.
F. Salvia Diritto Urbanistico, Cedam, 2012.