Provide analytical knowledge to understand economic theory on public decision-making (knowledge and understanding) and the capacity to aply it in a critical and original manner to the analysis of national and international decision-making processes (Applying knowledge and understanding).
Make student exercise theif critical skills so that they are capable to identify the main assumptions of the theory, the instruments adopted and the limits of the theory. The objective is that students are capable to integrate the knowledge acquired and apply it to the analysis of institutions and political processes, getting ready for the job market. Prepare student to interpret data to develop critical analysis skills (Making judgments).
Encourage the ability of students of exposition of personal opinions to experts as well as a non-specialized public (Communication skills).
Stimulate students to study autonomously and communicate their knowledge clearly (Learning skills).
Public choice applies the economic pronciples to the political deicision-making process. Among the topics illustrated in the course are: the role and the function of the government, the decision-making process of the government and the actors that take decisions and implement them, the relationship between private and public interests, the relationship electors-politicians and politicians-bureaucrats, the effect of the evolution of governemnts, the impact of internet on democracy, new models of governance.
1A. Mueller, Dennis, Public Choice III. Cambridge University Press.
1b. Mueller Dennis, La Teoria delle Scelte Collettive, Napoli, Idelson.
2. Additional readings will be provided by the lecturer.