M-PSI/01 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Basic knowledge of the issues, methods and history of psychology.

Psychology of behavioral addictions with particular reference to gambling. Psychology of over-indebtedness.

Detailed Course Content

What is psychology: The science of behavior and mental processes? Aristotle's De anima. René Descartes (1596–1650) Interactive dualism: De Homine.

Nature vs. Nurture

Foundations of Modern Psychology

Wilhelm Wundt (1832–1920): applied laboratory techniques to study of the mind. Structuralism.

Other Pioneers: Edward Titchener, William James, G. Stanley Hall, Sigmund Freud, John B. Watson, B. F. Skinner.

Perspectives: Biological, Psychodynamic, Behavioral, Humanistic, Cognitive, Cross Cultural, Evolutionary.

Main topics: Scientific Methods in psychology, Neuroscience and Behavior, Sensory processes and perception, Consciousness, Learning. Memory, Thinking and Language, Motivation, Emotion, Intelligence, Personality.

Pathological gambling and over-indebtedness.

Textbook Information

Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, Barbara L. Fredrickson, Geoffrey R. Loftus,Christel Lutz (2014) Atkinson & Hilgard’s Introduction to Psychology, Cengage Learning EMEA, Andover, Hampshire. (First 13 chapters, 600 pp.).

Legrenzi P. Storia della psicologia, Il Mulino (from chapter 3, Lo strutturalismo e il funzionalismo. 200 pp.)

Giuseppina Mendorla, Salvatore Castorina (2015). Azzardo e denaro. Bonanno Ed. (150 pp.)

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