L-OR/02 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims at presenting a survey of the Egyptian history, and archaeology, with the connected problems of religion and art, of ancient Egypt from the Pharaonic period to the Roman period and at illustring the birth of Egyptology as a science and the transformation from traditional Egyptology into Egyptian Archaeology The course will focus moreover on the topography of the country and the development of its civilization from the earliest steps until the Late Roman Period.

Detailed Course Content

The course will include the following modules:

Textbook Information

Mohamed Kenawi, A Commercial Nursery near Abu Hummus, Egypt, and the Reuse of Amphoras in the Roman Plant Trade” with E. Macaulay-Lewis and J. McKenzie, Journal of Roman Archaeology 25, 195-225.

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