ING-IND/09 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The Course has the objective to train young engineers to work in industry, by providing them, through lectures, numerical exercises and laboratory experiences, specific expertise in the fields of Turbomachinery, Hydraulic Power Plants, Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (ICE), Power Plants for Energy Generation through Thermo-Mechanical Conversion. The student must demonstrate that he has acquired specific knowledge, with the aim of covering industrial roles in design, maintenance and management in the field of Fluid Machines and Systems for the Energy and Environment especially in the field of Renewable Energy Sources.

Detailed Course Content


Basic Energy Concepts. Energy Conversion. Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Conversion Devices. Energy Transfer and Conversion Methods. Renewable Energy Sources. Solar Energy: Solar heating, solar power plants, high concentration photovoltaic, thermodynamic solar tracking, solar cooling systems. Biomass Energy: Direct conversion (combustion of biomass). Indirect conversion (chemical conversion to biofuel). Hydro Energy; Geothermal Energy: Power plants, direct use. Ocean Energy: Tidal Power and Wave Energy. Wind Energy: Wind farm and small wind turbines.


POWER PLANTS AND CYCLES - General data on engine systems - Fossil and nuclear fuel- hydraulic and thermal systems. Cycles, efficiency and cost of energy.

- Fluid motion in ducts with energy exchange - Mechanical and thermal energy equations, applications. Analytical processes and graphical study of compression and expansion. Works and performance. Conditions of stagnation.

- Fixed and mobile ducts - Hugoniot's equations. State of pressure and capacity in the nozzles. References to diffusers. Euleriane power expressions. Energetic balance of a stage. Fluid machines blades.

- Positive displacement: reciprocating and rotative pumps and compressors, positive displacement machines. Centrifugal and axial flow pumps and compressors. Internal and external characteristics of the machine. Adjustment and operation limits.

- Steam and gas turbomachinery engine - reaction and action stages. Speed triangles, efficiency. Curtis stage. Flow rate disposal. Characteristic curves.

- Hydraulic turbines: Pelton, Francis, Kaplan. Characteristic speed. Cavitation process. Recovery of the kinetic energy during the outlet phase.

- Gas turbine - Open and closed circuit systems. Real and maximum efficiency. Various outlines of system. Materials for high temperatures. References to adjustment.

- Steam engines systems - Rankine and Hirn cycles. Condensation and counter pressure systems. Thermal resuperheating and regeneration: efficiency. Examples of systems and elements. Cogenerative systems. Combined gas and steam systems.

- Volumetric reciprocating compressors: Maximum operation of a simple-effect reciprocating compressor. Real operation of a simple-effect reciprocating compressor. Multistage reciprocating compressors. Approximate dimensioning. Adjustment of the range.

- Internal combustion engines – Reference-cycles. Diagram of the distribution. Power expressions. Indicated cycle, average pressure. Spark-ignition engines: regular combustion and detonation. Polluting emissions. Compression-ignition engines: combustion, power limits. References to the supercharging.

Textbook Information

1. C.CAPUTO:"Gli impianti motori termici" - ESA

2. O.ACTON - C.CAPUTO: “Introduzione allo studio delle macchine” - UTET

3. C.CAPUTO: “Le Turbomacchine” – Vol. II. MASSON

4. O.ACTON - C.CAPUTO: “Compressori ed espansori volumetrici” - UTET

5. L. CATALANO – M. NAPOLITANO: “Elementi di macchine operatrici a fluido” – PITAGORA EDITRICE

6. M. BIANCHI – F. MELINO – A. PERETTO: “Sistemi energetici” – PITAGORA EDITRICE – Bologna – Vol.1, 2, 3

7. C. D’AMELIO – “Elementi di macchine. Le turbine idrauliche” – Fridericiana Editrice Universitaria

8. O.ACTON: "Turbomacchine" - UTET

9. A.BECCARI-C.CAPUTO:"Motori termici volumetrici" – UTET

10. D. GIACOSA: “Motori endotermici” - HOEPLI

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