Information Representation
Numbering systems and conversion algorithms. Integer and floating point numbers.
Computer architecture
The computer structure: central memory, central unit, elementary operation of the computer.
Operating System
Translation and execution of programs. Programming Environment. Compilers vs. interpreters. Operating System.
Algorithms and Programs
Automatic data processing. Algorithms and programs. Programming languages. The design of a program.
Computer Networks and the Internet
Computer networks. Local area networks. Wide area networks. Internet and the most popular network applications.
The ‘’C’’ programming language: syntax and semantics
Control: Assignment. Control structures. Data Types in C: simple types (int, char, float, double) and structured (arrays and strings, structures). The pointer type. Functions. Scope of identifiers. Declarations and scope of identifiers. Local variables, global and static. Techniques for binding of parameters. Recursion. Files: text files and binary files.
Sorting and searching algorithms
Sequential and binary search. Sorting algorithms.
Dynamic memory allocation
Data Structures
Lists, Stacks, Queues and Trees.