ING-IND/24 - 9 CFU - 2° semestre

Docente titolare dell'insegnamento


Programmazione del corso

 ArgomentiRiferimenti testi
1MOMENTUM TRANSPORT: The viscosity and the mechanism of momentum transport. Newton's law of viscosity. The viscosity and the mechanism of momentum transport. Newton's law of viscosity. Velocity distribution in laminar flow. 1. Transport Phenomena – Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana – Milano; 2 Lecture notes 
2MOMENTUM TRANSPORT:. Momentum balance in a layer; boundary conditions. Motion of a falling film. Motion of a fluid in a circular tube. Motion in a section ring. Motion of two adjacent immiscible fluids. Numerical examples.1. Transport Phenomena – Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana – Milano; 2 Lecture notes 
3EQUATIONS OF VARIATIONS FOR ISOTHERMAL SYSTEMS: Velocity distribution in turbulent flow. Fluctuations and time averaged quantities. Transport between the phases in isothermal systems. Dimensional analysis and Buckingham theorem.1. Transport Phenomena – Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana – Milano; 2 Lecture notes 
4 EQUATIONS OF VARIATIONS FOR ISOTHERMAL SYSTEMS: Definition of the friction coefficients. Friction coefficient of for motion in tubes. Friction coefficient for motion around spheres.1. Transport Phenomena – Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana – Milano; 2 Lecture notes 
5VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION IN TURBULENT FLOW: Fluctuations and time averaged quantities. Transport between the phases in isothermal systems. Dimensional analysis and Buckingham theorem. Definition of the friction coefficients. 1. Transport Phenomena – Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana – Milano; 2 Lecture notes 
6VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION IN TURBULENT FLOW: Friction coefficient of for motion in tubes. Friction coefficient for motion around spheres. Numerical examples.1. Transport Phenomena – Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana – Milano; 2 Lecture notes 
7MACROSCOPIC BALANCE FOR ISOTHERMAL SYSTEMS: Macroscopic mass balance. Macroscopic momentum balance. Macroscopic mechanical energy balance (Bernoulli). Evaluation of friction losses. Application of macroscopic balances in solving problems with movement. Ex1. Transport Phenomena – Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana – Milano; 2 Lecture notes 
8THE THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY AND THE MECHANISM FOR TRANSPORTING ENERGY: Fourier's law of heat conduction. Temperature distribution in solids and in laminar flow. Energy balance in a layer; boundary conditions. 1. Transport Phenomena – Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana – Milano; 2 Lecture notes 
9THE THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY AND THE MECHANISM FOR TRANSPORTING ENERGY:Heat conduction through composite walls. Forced convection. Natural convection. Numerical examples.1. Transport Phenomena – Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana – Milano; 2 Lecture notes 
10THE EQUATIONS OF VARIATION FOR NON-ISOTHERMAL SYSTEMS: The energy equations. Transfer between the phases in non-isothermal systems. Definition of the heat transfer coefficient. Heat transfer coefficient for forced convection within the tubes.1. Transport Phenomena – Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana – Milano; 2 Lecture notes 
11THE EQUATIONS OF VARIATION FOR NON-ISOTHERMAL SYSTEMS: Heat transfer coefficients for forced convection around submerged objects. Numerical examples.1. Transport Phenomena – Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana – Milano; 2 Lecture notes 
12MACROSCOPIC BALANCES IN NON-ISOTHERMAL SYSTEMS: Macroscopic energy balance. Mmacroscopic mechanical energy balance (Bernouli). Use of the macroscopic balances to solve problems in steady state. Numerical examples.1. Transport Phenomena – Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana – Milano; 2 Lecture notes 
13THE DIFFUSIVITY AND THE MECHANISM OF MASS TRANSPORT: Definitions of mass concentration, mass rate and mass flow. Fick's law of diffusion. Concentration distribution in solids and in laminar flow. Mass balance in a layer; boundary conditions.1. Transport Phenomena – Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana – Milano; 2 Lecture notes 
14THE DIFFUSIVITY AND THE MECHANISM OF MASS TRANSPORT:Diffusion through a stagnant gas film.Diffusion with heterogeneous chemical reaction.Diffusion with homogeneous chemical reaction.Diffusion in a falling liquid film;mass transfer by forced convection, Ex1. Transport Phenomena – Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana – Milano; 2 Lecture notes 
15TRANSPORT BETWEEN PHASES IN MULTI-COMPONENT SYSTEMS: Definition of binary coefficients of mass transport in one phase. Correlations of the transfer coefficients in a phase for low rate of mass transfer. Numerical examples. 1. Transport Phenomena – Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana – Milano; 2 Lecture notes 
16TRANSPORT BETWEEN PHASES IN MULTI-COMPONENT SYSTEMS:Macroscopic balances with more than one component. The macroscopic mass balance. The macroscopic momentum balance. The macroscopic energy balance. The macroscopic mechanical energy balance.1. Transport Phenomena – Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana – Milano; 2 Lecture notes 

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