The course aims at teaching the principles of orthodontic diagnosis, clinical examination and treatment planning.
1) to teach to the students the craniofacial growth; the discrepancies of maxillary and mandibular bone on the three space planes; the cephalometric analysis, examination of the space analysis in order to provide a correct orthodontic diagnosis of dento-skeletal pathologies of craniofacial complex (to distinguish I class from the II and from the III); identify asymmetry, impacted teeth, dental agenesis, dental overcrowding).
2) To know which are braces and orthopedic implants and how they act in the oral cavity.
I. Radiographic examination
• Mention about cranium posterior-anterior teleradiography
• Intraoral radiography
• Hand radiography
• Photograph examination:
o Intraoral and extra oral photograph
o Classification of oral disharmony acc. To RICKETTS
II. Therapy
• Treatment Goals:
a) Basic:
1. Centre line
2. Occlusal transverse connection
3. Rotation
4. Mesiodistal inclination
5. Neuromuscular function
6. Included teeth
7. Dento-dental disharmonies
b) Complex:
1. Space
2. Shape (1:APO)
3. Dental OVJ
4. Dental OVB
5. Skeletal class (or OVJ S)
6. Skeletal vertical dimension
7. Mesiodistal occlusion connection
III. Orthodontic therapy
• Introduction
• Removable devise: retentive elements, active elements
• Fixed device: retentive elements as
a) Brackets: types and cementing techniques
b) Rubber band: I, II, III classes, verticals, crisscrossed
c) Headgear
d) Biomechanics of I class with extraction acc. To RICKETTS
e) Biomechanics of II class without extraction
f) WILSON bimetric arch
IV. Orthopedic therapy
• Orthopedic headgear:
a) Introduction
b) Direct headgear: chin cup
c) Indirect headgear: low-pull, high-pull, straight pull, vertical headgear, DELAIRE headgear (inverted headgear), HICKHAM headgear, combined headgear (T. E. Activator)
• Functional orthopedic therapy
o Definition
o Pronciples
o Classification of Herbst
a) Activator of I generation (Andersen)
b) Activator of II generation (Bionator, Bimier)
c) Activator of III generation (Frankel)
V. Contention
• Introduction
• Lingual arch (fixed device)
• Removable devices
a) Hawley plates
b) Metallic skeletal plates
c) Crozat braces
d) Activator
e) Positioner (introduction and set up)
Proffit - Fields - Sarver – Ackerman: ORTODONZIA MODERNA
Editore: Edra Masson, 2013
Editore: Masson