ING-INF/03 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Detailed Course Content

Fundamentals of digital communication systems; Transmission on a Gaussian channel; Transmission on fading channels, equalizers; OFDM and MIMO systems. Transmission on a copper medium; fundamentals of fiber optic transmission. multiplexing techniques; PCM multiplex; Plesiochronous and synchronous digital multiplexing; SONET and SDH. Multiple access techniques: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, OFDMA. Fiber optic systems; optical devices (sources, photodetectors, amplifiers); WDM and DWDM systems; design of optical networks; xDSL systems; Radio communication systems; properties and characteristics of radiopropagation. Radio links; satellite telecommunications; link budget.

Textbook Information

A. Pattavina. Reti di Telecomunicazioni, Mc Graw Hill
W. Stallings: Comunicazioni e Reti Wireless, Mc Graw Hill
U. Mengali, M. Morelli: Trasmissione numerica, ed. McGraw-Hill;
R. L. Freeman: Telecommunication System Engineering, ed. Wiley.

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