DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SURGERY AND MEDICAL-SURGICAL SPECIALTIES Bachelor's Degree in Cardiocirculatory and Cardiovascular Perfusion techniques Academic Year 2015/2016 - 1° Year
MED/07 - 2 CFU - 1° Semester
Teaching Staff
Detailed Course Content
Introduction to medical microbiology: microorganism-host relationships.
The organization of the bacterial cell: structure and function of the cellular components
Mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis: role of bacteria in disease
The antimicrobial chemotherapy: the main characteristic of principal groups of antibiotics and the antibiotic resistance
Characteristics of virus and their replication
Mechanisms of viral pathogenesis
Types of viral infection: acute and persistent infection
The antiviral chemotherapy
Characteristics of fungi and their metabolism
Mechanisms of fungal pathogenesis
Antimicrobial vaccines
General principles of laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases
General principles of sterilization, disinfection, and antisepsis
The main human pathogen microorganisms and hospital-acquired infection
Textbook Information
Harvey R. H., Champe P.C., Fisher B. D., Le basi della Microbiologia, con approfondimenti clinici - Ed. Zanichelli
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