GEO/11 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Detailed Course Content

The course is based on the application of prospecting methods (acquisition, processing and interpretation of experimental geophysical data) for the study of the subsoil with a low and medium depth in an Environmental Geophysics context. For each treated sample prospecting methodology applied to geological problems we are shown. - Electric Method. of spontaneous polarization method. Induced polarization method Tomografie and examples of 1D modeling, 2D 2 3D. Notes on laboratory instrumentation and country. - Seismic Method: application examples; Tomography. Mono- and bi-dimensional modeling of the subsurface. of laboratory instrumentation and campaign signs. - Method Ground Probing Radar (GPR): Theoretical basis of the method, history and the first applications. radar pulses. Configuration GPR surveys in radargrams surface. Instrumentation: characterization of the acquisition system and the antennas. Planning a radar prospecting. data processing. radargrams interpretation. Characterization of radar anomalies in various media; - General information on Magnetic Method and application examples; Instrumentation and country measures; - Application methodology used for the detection of Subterranean cavity; - Contaminated sites:

Textbook Information

M. Corrao e G. Coco: Geofisica applicata. Con particolare riferimento alle prospezioni sismiche, elettriche, elettromagnetiche e geotermiche. Editore: Flaccovio Dario.
Corrao M. e Coco G.: Geofisica applicata : elementi di geosismica e geoelettrica. Editore: Flaccovio Dario.

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